Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Other Palaces

Karlovka - estate of GDss Elena Pavlovna

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I would be interested in a discussion about Karlovka estate in Poltava oblast (Ukraina ? :-\). It belonged to Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna (spouse of GD Michail Pavlovich).

In 1855  Elena Pavlovna decided to emancipate the serfs (900 "souls" ? more? less ?) on her own immense estate of Karlovka, and invited Kavelin to study the project.

Did she succeeded ? Where is exactly Karlovka estate ? Dis anyone has engravings, paintings, photos of this estate?? How many people lived on this estate? The princess wanted to build mills, factories, workshops... in order to procure incomes  for the liberated souls... was it done ??

She owned also the Mikhailovsky Palace, Kamenny Island, and Oranienbaum (Lomonosov).

Many thanks from

Mr Canard.

Note: here a WIKIPEDIA note on Kavelin (he became a friend of Elena Pavlovna)

Konstantin Dmitrievich Kavelin (Константин Дмитриевич Кавелин in Russian) (November 4, 1818 - May 5, 1885) was a Russian historian, jurist, and sociologist, sometimes called the chief architect of early Russian liberalism.

Scion of an old noble family, Kavelin graduated from the legal department of the Moscow University and read law at the University of St Petersburg from 1839. Together with Timofey Granovsky and Alexander Herzen, he was one of the leading Westerners. In 1855, Herzen published Kavelin's celebrated proposal for the emancipation of serfs, which cost him the lucrative position of tsesarevich's tutor. During the 1860s, Kavelin was elected President of the Free Economic Society and gradually drifted to the right. In his Short Review of Russian History (1887) he seconded many Slavophile opinions and praised state as the key institution of national history.

(Some scholars believe that Kavelin was a prototype of Stiva Oblonski in Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna)


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Karlovka may refer to:

Karlivka, a town in Poltava Oblast, Ukraine
Karlovka, name of several rural settlements in Russia

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Karlivka (Ukrainian: Карлівка, Russian: Карловка) is a city in Poltava Oblast, Ukraine. Population is 17,995 (2001).

 Administrative divisions of Poltava Oblast, Ukraine 
Raions: Chornukhynskyi | Chutivskyi | Dykanskyi | Hadyatskyi | Hlobynskyi | Hrebinkivskyi | Karlivskyi | Khorolskyi | Kobeliatskyi | Kotelevskyi | Kozelschynskyi | Kremenchutskyi | Lokhvytskyi | Lubenskyi | Mashivskyi | Myrhorodskyi | Novosanzharskyi | Orzhytskyi | Poltavskyi | Pyryatynskyi | Reshetylivskyi | Semenivskyi | Shyshatskyi | Velykobahachanskyi | Zinkivskyi
Cities: Chervonozavodske | Hadiach | Hlobyne | Hrebinka | Karlivka | Khorol | Kobeliaky | Komsomolsk | Kremenchuk | Lokhvytsia | Lubny | Myrhorod | Poltava | Pyriatyn | Zinkiv
Urban-type settlements: Chornukhy | Chutove | Dykanka | Kotelva | Kozelschyna | Mashivka | Novi Sanzhary | Orzhytsia | Reshetylivka | Semenivka | Shyshaky | Velyka Bahachka | more...
Villages: Velyki Sorochyntsi | more...



My dear Reco,

I examine your anwers and I think you are kiddddddddddddddding with me.... lol, lol, lol...

I am an old french duck BUT I know very well how to lead a research on Internet (that's a part of my job's skills) .

Eventualy  I cannot read (understand, talk ...)  nor russian language nor ukrainian language...

Best regards from

Mr Canard


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