Author Topic: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ... Pictures & Paintings of Russian Tsars  (Read 59258 times)

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Now,  I try to present some pictures from french museums on the theme of the journeys ...

First, several journeys of russian rulers to France :

                  Visite de l'escadron russe à Toulon, le 13 octobre 1893 - the medal was said to be done with the Empress as a model for the Russia and... a french actress as a model for the France !...  There are many others pictures that I have to find in my books ... later

                  Pose de la première pierre du Pont Alexandre III à Paris par le Tsar Nicolas II, l'Impératrice et le Président de la République Félix Faure, le 7 octobre 1896 (artist : the painter Alfred Roll  (1846-1919 painting :1899)

                   Le Tsar et la Tsarine en visite à Paris en 1898 . (Auteur : photographer Auguste Boyer (1824-?)

                   Visite officielle des souverains russes en France en 1901 - le Président de la République Emile Loubet accueillant le tsar Nicolas II et l'Impératrice Alexandra Feodorovna lors de la revue militaire passée au camp de Bétheny, 21 septembre 1901 (Auteur : painter Albert Pierre  Dawant  (1852-1923) painting 1905) (I apologize for the french use of the wrong word "Tsar" instead of  "Emperor")

And now two travels from France to Russia

                   The travel of the french painter Gerveix during the period of the coronation of N.2: Le Couronnement de Nicolas II (1868-1918), dernier tsar de Russie (1894-1917) et de l'impératrice Alexandra Féodorowna (1872-1918) en l'Eglise de l'Assomption à Moscou (esquisse) Auteur : painter Henri Gervex (1852-1929)

                     And the travel  of Général Joffre to Russia to meet the chiefs of the russian Armies in 1913.

Krasnoïe Selo (10 au 23 avril 1913)

Some Grands Ducs on these two  pictures ?

the next one is quoted  : Le Tsar Nicolas II entouré des danseuses Olga et Tatiana et d'une délégation d'un régiment de Moscou THATS MEANS : Emperor Nicolas 2 surrounder by the dancers Olga and Tatiana and by a delagation of a moscovite regiment ... it sounds rather strange ... don't you think ???

Now, Nicolas 2 at Krasnoie Selo:

                    to be continued ....  / ...

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:46:22 PM by Alixz »


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 06:37:54 PM »
during the same period, here is N2 (he seems to be tired) :

this picture is quoted : N2 going to the meeting with Général Joffre :

Now a curious detail on this visit of French Chef d'état -major to Russian Chiefs of the Armies:
this picture with a plane in Krasnoie Selo Camp ! (did N2  went in some plane ? or drived planes ?)

And the last one (on the theme of this visit)  could be interesting because it shows the imperial pavillon in Krasnoie Selo Camp:

Now we are going back with the Time Machine - Year 1884 - :

a french painter goes to St Petersburg and paints the city but also paysants and soldiers ... in Krasnoie Selo Camp: Le bivouac des tirailleurs de la famille impériale au camp de Krasnoie Selo, The painter is  Jean-Baptiste-Edouard Detaille (1848-1912) and someone of the Imperial family buys the painting... so the french Museum of Army has only a photography of it ...

The SAME  painter has good friends in french army ( he is rather specialized in military paintings ) and is introduced to some russian general ; so he paints also : Le tsar Nicolas II commandant une manoeuvre.  Again this painting is bought in Russia ! (and now where is it ? )

                           to be continued again ...........  / ........


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 07:05:49 PM »
we are still in 1884 ... Now.... there are also the private travels and a Grand Duc with a Grande Duchesse are going in France, to visit the d'Orleans family and chase in their wonderful historical estate of Chantilly... Here they are :

Le Grand duc Vladimir Alexandrovitch Romanov en tenue de la vénerie d'Orléans par le peintre Alexandrovsky 1884 - aquarelle - Who is this painter named Alexandrovsky ? I have no idea ... Did he came in France from Russia with Vladimir Alexandrovitch ?

and here is the Grande Duchesse : Portrait de la Grande duchesse Marie Pavlovna de Russie avec la tenue de l'équipage de Chantilly.   the painter is Alexandre-Petrovitch Sokolov  (1829-1913)...

on her back we can see le Chateau de Chantilly  . Anyway the style of the 2 painting seems  really similar, so I think the two portraits are by Sokolov...

And finally the last journey in the time  machine brings us on the year 1857, period of the second french empire ( with Napoléon 3 and the gracious Empress Eugénie... They have a visitor , Grand Duc Constantin ( Konstantin Nicolaevitch I guess) and the Grand Chambelland receives order to organise an imperial chase : Forêt de Fontainebleau : chasse à courre en l'honneur du Grand Duc Constantin de Russie, le rendez-vous à la croix de Saint-Hérem - 1857. (the drawer is not named )

That's all, folks....

best regards from your devoted

Mr Canard


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 06:18:10 AM »
Monsieur Canard, many thanks for posting such a wonderful collection, I have never seen these items, much appreciated.


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 09:48:52 AM »
Thank you, Imperial Opal...

About Chantilly I post something else to help the forum in understanding the situation:

best wiews of Chantilly Castle during the Chase Season (photos)

now a painting of Chantilly chases by Jean-Maxime Claude (1824-1904)

this ones could be photographies that the painter Sokolov Alexandre-Petrovitch (1829-1913)  used in Russia to paintVladimir and Maria (uncertain but possibile) . The two paintings were presented later to Duc and Duchesse de Chartres as a thank for the period of  chasing in Chantilly.

(Chantilly Castle and estate was property of Condé family until the death of the last Prince de Condé (1830). Then the Orléans family heired the estate.)

to be continued with an other travel ..../....


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 01:01:31 PM »
in 1862 Grand Duchess aria Nicolaevna went to Italy and lived with her new husband and her younger children in Florence in an estate who formerly had been property of Jèròme Bonaparte. She also travelled frequently to Rome and Paris. Her main activity became the purchase of artistics works. She became the owner of various collections and in 1863 she travelled to Paris.

1863 - Maria Nicolaevna at André-Alphonse-Eugène Disderi’s (1819-1889)  photographic Studio in Paris :

Same photographer for her daughter Maria Maximilianova:

and her son Eugène (top) + a misterious Colonel Rehbinder:

I am leaving home for about 10 days, so it will continue after

Your devoted

Mr Canard


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 05:43:32 AM »
Here I am.... nobody wrote informations about the misterious colonel Rehbinder, so I continue. Yersterday I worked to prepare informations about travels in Paris of Peter the Great, Comte et Comtesse du Nord (Paul and Maria) and Alexander 1.

But first we will see many things about imperial visits from 1867 to 1910...

1867: Great Exhibition in Paris (EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE PARIS). Emperor Alexander 2 went to Paris, we know that.... Just before, he sent his beloved Catherine Dolgorouky in Italy and, from Italy, the girl went also in Paris. So Alexandre, after official meetings with Napoléon 3, official balls in Tuilerie, official chase in Compiègne and so on and so on (the program was enormous) tried during the night to meet the girl, giving no few problems to his french Security Staff (the russian one knew perfectly where he was going, but the french one ignored , at the begenning,  why he was -apparently- wandering each night in the streets). Alexander just tried to disappear for a while.... It is said that, the first evenning he tried to meet Katia, he asked the russian ambassador in Paris for a loan of some money. How much asked the diplomatist? A thousand francs-or said Alexander who did not knew the real value of this money. But you Majesty will be in danger said the ambassador ! Oh! if I see some thief I will throw the money on the ground and run replied the emperor, I can run very quickly....
With difficulty the ambassador put together a thousand Francs-or from various persons of the russian ambassy and gived the sum to the emperor...
French policemen  (it was clearly THE gossip of this period) were sure that the russian emperor was going each night to meet a very wellknown french singer named Hortense Schneider (in fact the girl had an affair with an other sovreign visiting Paris at this time) because princess Dolgorouky was living in an hotel particulier close to the hotel particulier of the singer...


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2007, 06:45:36 AM »
I forgot to write the name of the lover of the singer : Ismail Pacha, Khédive of Egypt. In 1868 the singer went for a long time in Egypt, invited by Ismail... Here is Hortense Schneider:

The day 1 of June 1867, unfortunately, a polish student tries to kill the russian emperor. This attempt to his life will be terrible for France. Immediately, the Alexandre turns to russia declining to sign the project of french-russian alliance and agreement prepared by Napoléon 3's diplomacy. The result will be, in 1870 that France will be alone against Germany and suffer a terrible defeat....

Now let see some things about the visit :

A painting of Louis-Charles Porion with, in the middle, Napoléon 3, on our right Alexandre 2, on our left François-Joseph 1. The painting shows ALL the sovereigns who visit Paris at this time, but clearly it is a fiction (they never were all together in Paris):

The great painting ( 4 meters x 2 meters) is now in Compiègne.

An other artist, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, (1827-1875)  a great sculptor AND painter - quite the first impressioniste - shows the feasts in Tuileries. Here is a ball with Alexandre giving his arm to Eugénie (painting now in Compiègne) :

here is Napoléon 3 and Eugénie in a masqued ball (painting now in Musée d'Orsay) :

Here is Eugénie receiving at a ball (painting now in Compiègne):

And just to show you how talented Capeaux was also as a sculptor (he did, for the french Opéra de Paris the well-known group called La Danse),
here is Princesse Mathilde (now in Musée d'Orsay):

and the Prince Impérial (now Musée Napoléonien in Ajaccio , Corsica) :

but, rturning to his paintings, here is a painting of Napoléon 3, Alexandre 2 and Guillaume 1 (of Prussia) - painting now in Compiègne:

and a very impressionist painting of the attempt:


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2007, 07:15:29 AM »
Excuse me, here are two versions of the attempt, VERY, VERY impressionist... :


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2007, 08:20:48 AM »
So, as I said, Alexandre III never went to Paris (at less officially) but he sent in 1893 an escadre (a huge group of boats) in Toulon.  This friendly action unchained the french enthusiasm... the officers were received in Toulon and Paris, many portraits of the tsar and of his wife were printed and distributed in France..., as this one:

here an idea of the feast in the french military harbour :


As a consequence, many many french people at this time (it begun during the last years of Second Empire but it became an important economic phenomenon from 1893 to 1914) bought the famous "actions russes" investing in Russian industry and development. They lost all their money in 1917, of course...
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:41:15 PM by Alixz »


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 08:35:42 AM »
and now Nicolas 2 again...

First, a little surprise: a picture of Nicolas 2 as a young tsarevitch ,november 1890, on the Cheops Pyramyd during a journey to Egypt (received by ... Khédive Ismail Pacha), :

(he looks like a young Charlie chaplin)

and here his host, Ismail Pacha:


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2007, 09:29:14 AM »
Now let return to the axis France-Russia; Nicolas 2 soon after his access to the throne went in France (1896) with his wife. (some interesting pictures on the begenning of the thread) . Here the tsarine (as said the french...) put the first stone of the bridge dedicated to Alexandre III (and finished in 1900, just before an other Exhibition)

Le Triomphe de la Paix ou La visite du Tsar Marche Franco-russe. (marche is a particular rythm for music)
crée par Marius RICHARD à la SCALA (created by the popular singer Marius Richard at the Scala witch is not the italian Opera house but a little parisian theatre to day not existing anymore) . Paroles de Léo LELIEVRE (words of L.L.) Musique de Emile SPENCER (anybody knows him ?)

(1er verse)

Puisque le Tsar vient à Paris,
Mes amis,
Dans les plis
De notre drapeau tricolore
Luit la nouvelle aurore.
Car le Tsar apporte aux français
Les bienfaits
De la Paix;
Dont notre beau pays s'honore
Comme un glorieux succès!
Notre France est prête.
Et fait retentir ses bravos.
La bonne tempête
Met des frissons
Dans les cerveaux.
En ce vibrant jour de fête
Nous marchons à la conquête.
Oh! oh! Mêlons nos drapeaux!
De Cronstadt et Toulon,
Le Tsar sans façon,
Vient bénir l'Union!


Dans cette Sainte Alliance,
 O Russie! ô noble France
Unissons notre vaillance
Et gardons la bonne espérance!
Car le Tsar et la Tsarine,
Font jaillir l'heure divine
Ou le rêve s'achemine
Dans la Paix, qui donne au coeur
Le vrai bonheur!

(to be noted that the historical Sainte Alliance - Holly Alliance - was created quite 90 years before by Alexandre 1rst to destroy the power of Napoléon 1)

(2d verse)

La Tsarine au cœur enchanté,
Sans fierté,
Par bonté,
Vient saluer la Parisienne
En noble souveraine.
Et tous les coeurs enthousiasmés,
Sont charmés
Voyant ces sentiments de reine
-Trésors inestimés-
Sa chère visite
Chez nous fait naître des héros.
Acclamons sa suite
Par des chants sublimes et beaux!
C'est pour nous un grand mérite,
Toute la France palpite!
Oh! oh! oh!
Mélons nos drapeaux!
C'est le jour souhaité
De félicité
Et de Fraternité!

(I am unable to traduce and give an idea of the numerous lapses in taste of the text !)


(3rd verse)

L'Union jamais ne périra,
Et pourra
Nous rendre, en une heure prochaine,
L'Alsace et la Lorraine.
Notre rêve peut s'accomplir
Sans faiblir,
La tyrannique et lourde chaîne
Dans le juste avenir!
Et la Paix entière
Brillera dans les jours nouveaux;
Sans aimer la guerre,
Nous voulons avoir nos hameaux
S'il le faut, les peuples frères
Marcheront vers les frontières
Oh! oh! oh!
Planter nos drapeaux!...
Félix Faure et le Tsar
Unis sans retard,
Donneront le départ!...

(to be noted here the presence of a claim to the restitution of 2 territories L'Alsace et la Lorraine, lost at the end of the 1870's german-french war ... the alliance with the tsar, said the text , gives us the possibility of a return of these lands to France .....!) (La tyrannique et lourde chaîne   is the tribute (millions of francs-or) that France had to pay to Germany...  (to be noted also that the first verse asks to the Peace and the last one to a war for the lost territories ... )

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:42:01 PM by Alixz »


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2007, 10:05:44 AM »
fortunately we have other records of the visit; the first one is a vignette later on distributed by a firm (chocolates):

the second is a card  presented to the guests of the french President, with a design recording all the stages of the imperial visit:

Now a more serious and official record, a painting of Jean-Baptiste-Edouard Detaille (1848-1912) : Visite officielle du Tsar Nicolas II en France en 1896. Revue passée à Châlon-sur-Marne par le Président Félix Faure, le Tsar et la Tsarine, le 9 octobre 1896

and a medal:

Cherbourg ( a french harbour on the Normandie coast) Paris (with the name of Alexandre 3 given to the bridge in construction) and Chàlons (were there was a huge military camp) were the three stages of this very important visit.

In 1898, the french President (Félix Faure) went to St Petersburg to continue the alliance, and here is an other popular design of this journey:

on this occasion some french newspapers edited this picture of Nicolas 2 (NOT EXACTLY the good one for the french people) :


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2007, 10:48:21 AM »
1901: Nicolas 2 and his wife returned to Paris; the stages of the visit will be Dunkerque (a french harbour in Normandie) with a revue of the french marine ; Paris (where an avenue will be named with the name of the imperial guest) Compiègne (a rest, theater, dinner, etc....)  Reims (to visit the cathedral)  and Betheny (see the painting of Dawant at the begenning of the thread of the militaries grandes manoeuvres) .

Here is a popular design distributed by a firm (Great Stores of Le Bon Marché) during and after the visit, to help french people in understand the reason of the visit (again and again, l'alliance franco-russe):

And now the bridge Alexandre 3, finished (1900):

Many painters had painted this marvellous bridge, but here is the work of a rather young russian painter, Nadejda Pastoukhova :

and a very good photography of the same bridge:

And now the imperial pair arriving in Compiègne (were they rest, visit the park and the palace, assist theatre performances (Edmond Rostand, Alfred de Musset) , and the christening of the grand-son of the marquis de Montebello, former ambassadeur de France à Saint-Pétersbourg, friend of Nicolas 2. The emperor was the godfather. ):

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:43:04 PM by Alixz »


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Re: Paris-Moscou aller et retour ...
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2007, 11:36:28 AM »
and now some documents:

for french-speaking persons, a PDF document about the compiègne days in 1901:

1 photography of uncertain date (I think 1901 because it has been shot near bridge Alexandre 3) :

The next one could have been designed  just after the death of Alexandre 3, not particularly for an imperial visit :

but this one, quite certainly,  for the 1896 visit:

three other one of incomprensible datation : the first one (1907?) from a french site:

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 03:43:48 PM by Alixz »