I forgot to write the name of the lover of the singer : Ismail Pacha, Khédive of Egypt. In 1868 the singer went for a long time in Egypt, invited by Ismail... Here is Hortense Schneider:

The day 1 of June 1867, unfortunately, a polish student tries to kill the russian emperor. This attempt to his life will be terrible for France. Immediately, the Alexandre turns to russia declining to sign the project of french-russian alliance and agreement prepared by Napoléon 3's diplomacy. The result will be, in 1870 that France will be alone against Germany and suffer a terrible defeat....
Now let see some things about the visit :
A painting of
Louis-Charles Porion with, in the middle, Napoléon 3, on
our right Alexandre 2, on
our left François-Joseph 1. The painting shows ALL the sovereigns who visit Paris at this time, but clearly it is a fiction (they never were all
together in Paris):

The great painting ( 4 meters x 2 meters) is now in Compiègne.
An other artist,
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, (1827-1875) a great sculptor AND painter - quite the first
impressioniste - shows the feasts in Tuileries. Here is a ball with Alexandre giving his arm to Eugénie (painting now in Compiègne) :

here is Napoléon 3 and Eugénie in a masqued ball (painting now in Musée d'Orsay) :

Here is Eugénie receiving at a ball (painting now in Compiègne):

And just to show you how talented Capeaux was also as a sculptor (he did, for the french Opéra de Paris the well-known group called
La Danse),
here is Princesse Mathilde (now in Musée d'Orsay):
and the Prince Impérial (now Musée Napoléonien in Ajaccio , Corsica) :

but, rturning to his paintings, here is a painting of Napoléon 3, Alexandre 2 and Guillaume 1 (of Prussia) - painting now in Compiègne:

and a very impressionist painting of the attempt: