Though of some interest....such as George IV's tiny stature revealed by his coronation panoply, I maintain that the entrance fees are obscene! I still can not get my head round how we (the British general public) are being charged to view things our ancestors paid for in taxes yonks ago, and still are, through indirect taxes to HRPP! Furthermore, perhaps we Brits should demand exemption to pay 'extra' to access our cultural heritage and let curious but 'put upon' tourists foot the bill for the privilege. It seems ludicrous to me that a child from a housing estate only a stones throw from KP is unable to view such artifacts through no fault of their own, whilst a tourist from Tokyo or NYC can slam it all on a credit card as part of their their trip. (I do not begrudge tourists the right to spend their hard earned savings...but the disparity is gaping and IMHO utterly wrong!) Until some semblance of balance is implemented I feel that no Brits should visit any HRPP after all who owns them in reality?