It is interesting that the monarchy that the American Revolution overthrew is still around and one of the longest lasting.
I don't know if the dynasties that have formed in our presidents families were connived or accidental. Think of John Adams and his son JQ Adams. I am sure that one was planned.
The two Harrisons - grandfather and grandson.
The Roosevelts, but they were of different parties and were 5th cousins not close relations.
And, of course, the Bush family. I am sure that this one was planned as well.
And now, of course, the Clintons which is well planned and has been in the works since 1999. But we still have about 10 months to the general election and there is still hope that calmer and clearer heads will prevail. Or, as my son often says, the voters will pull their heads out of their tail pipes and get a grip on what is really going on.
Can anyone imagine the barbarism that would occur if our oil supplies ran out and we couldn't run our gas guzzling vehicles? Some of us lived through the first OPEC "shortage" in the 1970s and we remember gas lines and making an appointment to get gas!!!! And as for heating oil, those in the warmer states said "let the Yankees freeze".
But I agree with Ilias_of_John. Our prestige has fallen very low with the rest of the world. It isn't the system that is at fault, but those who are now engaged in running it to ruin.
And monarchies do tend to come back from time to time as in the Bonapartes, and the Bourbons, and especially in the Greek Monarchy which came and went and came and went and George I of Greece wasn't even Greek! It always amazed me how countries would "elect" a king from the princes of other countries and then try to make them over into citizens of their new country and how upset the new country got when the transformation didn't happen the way they wanted it to.
There is a time for abdication, too. And Franz Joseph should have abdicated long before the beginning of the Great War. And Nicholas II, if he had abdicated in 1905, who knows how different things might have been. And Wilhelm I of Germany who lived into his 90s should also have abdicated in favor of his son Fritz. That is why businesses have retirement ages. Monarchies should have had them, too.
The sons of George III who reigned for him as regents would have been much more effective if old George had abdicated in his senility.
And Ilias_of_John, do you mean croquet? ;-)