What was happening outside of Ekaaterinburg is just as interesting.
Let us take a look at a map of the position of the Whites.

And, remember, Ekaterinburg was the one time capital city of the Red Urals, so, to be on the edge of losing their capital meant at this time they were faltering in their war campaign against the Whites.
The headquarters of the CHEKA in Ekaterinburg was in the Hotel Amerika, Room 13.
So who was visiting Room 13?
1) Filipp Goloshchekin, who had been Military Commissar from Dec 1917, and had just been in Moscow.
2) I presume - Yurovsky.
3) I presume - Ermakov whom Goloshchekin had given the duty to find a place to dispose of the bodies after their execution
4) Alexander Beloborodov - Chairman of the Ural Reginal Soviets after Jan. of 1918
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