Thanks, Douglas. I thought the Reagan/Wales connection went back further than we might have presumed. The Prince of Wales, as I recall, was even a target of Nixon's [shudder] for a possible match with one of his daughters, around the time he developed his "Imperial Presidency".
In the end, who really cares and what difference does any of it make? Car or carriage, hooey. Betty Crocker bridal cakes, blah. If the bride's dress becomes off-the shelf at Kmart [or whatever], maybe a bit of a market ruffle. But even then, it will just be a loss leader, would it not?
I would rather be be with the Duchess of York, being a Euro-slob sipping Cosmos than with the mob in Westminster.
BTW,according to the BBC, EVERY ambassador has been invited, it is simply pro forma. Whether they attend or not is up to them. And with the dramatic changes going on now, I imagine several will not, or no longer even be ambassadors.