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Prince William and Kate Middleton
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:15:28 PM »
Starting a new section as her original is almost 40 pages.
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Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2007, 08:30:29 AM »
Does William dare dump Kate again?
by GEOFFREY LEVY and RICHARD KAY - More by this author »
Last updated at 00:55am on 20th October 2007
The great Kate romance is back on. But William's aides fear that if he doesn't see it through,he'll be accused of behaving just like his father...

Prince William bears all the hallmarks of a contented man. At 25, he clearly carries none of the emotional baggage that has dogged the life of his father, Prince Charles. From January, his military career will move on smoothly from the Army to the RAF, then the Royal Navy. Plus, of course, his romance with Kate Middleton is on again. The last bit is making those perennial worriers, the Royal Family's stiff-collared and often incompetent advisers, decidedly uneasy.

Despite the apparent rubber-stamping of Kate by the Prince of Wales, no one pretends to be absolutely sure in which direction this extraordinary relationship is ultimately heading.

Scroll down for more... An item again: William and Kate leaving Boujis earlier this month

The name's William ... Prince William: Wills takes to the waves with the Marines, Bond-style
Deer hunter Kate under fire for going shooting with Royals

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 08:43:05 AM »
Article continued...
There is real apprehension that should William dump Kate for a second time, the second in line to the throne risks being ridiculed, or even actively disliked, by the public for toying with her emotions.

For a young prince who could hold the future of the monarchy in his hands, this is no small matter.

Nor would this risk be mitigated by the belief, widely held in royal circles, that the comely Kate threw caution to the wind and inveigled her way back into the Prince's emotions. She, they insist now, is making all the running.

Kate's friends view things rather differently.

They see a prince who was dreadfully missing the bright and personable young woman with whom he was virtually living after meeting her at St Andrews University nearly five years ago.

"The split was almost like a divorce, and just as painful, despite all the pretence of still going to parties and clubs," says one close figure.

"And I honestly think that, emotionally, it affected him more than her. She's stronger than he is." During the weeks of their estrangement earlier this year, Kate's post-split nightclub sorties, her overt self-confidence and the flash of a large expanse of fishnet stocking - somehow exposed to the paparazzi as she laughingly stepped into a car with friends - all certainly grabbed William's attention. Some of his friends saw his reaction to her behaviour during that period mirroring the way that his eyes "came out on stalks" the first time he saw her close up, as she sashayed down the catwalk in a diaphanous dress at a university charity fashion show.

One headline shrieked: "This Is What William Is Missing."

And clearly, despite bravado shows of masculine independence and the cry of "I'm free" as he jumped on a table at their favourite London nightclub Boujis (where else?), he was suddenly alone, surrounded by sycophants and missing her in his life and in his bed.

From there, it was one small and simple step for a future King to extend a princely courtesy to his ex-girlfriend by inviting her to join him and friends at the Wembley Stadium concert in memory of his mother; and, in turn, for her an equally simple courtesy to accept.

They may not have been side by side in the royal box at the concert, but that was it.

The split was healed.

Since August, they've been together again and getting closer all the time, as their two sets of parents look on.

No parental approval could surely be more pointed, nor more relaxed, than Charles and Camilla's invitation to William to take Kate for the weekend to Scotland to join them at Birkhall, the house on the Balmoral estate that Charles inherited from the Queen Mother.

And there, Kate was photographed being drawn even more deeply into the royal world of country pursuits by joining William stalking. As yet, there do not appear to have been any matching weekend invitations from Kate's parents for William to visit their pleasant detached house in the village of Bucklebury, in Berkshire, although he has seen them socially. During his time at Sandhurst, he regularly drove the 30 miles to have supper with them.

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The couple met at St Andrews University nearly five years ago

The couple, who run an internet business selling children's party goods (including toy princesses), took a disgraceful and totally undeserved battering from some of the classridden 'hooray Henrys' in William's circle last spring, but only after it emerged that Kate and William were no longer seeing each other.

Particularly offensive were the sneering taunts of "doors to manual" about Kate, in reference to her mother's former job as an air stewardess and her father once being a pilot.

It seems that these people, most of whom have thus far achieved little more in life than birth itself, didn't approve of the Middletons' middleclass genes and habits. Their juvenile braying certainly did the monarchy no favours.

Wisely, after what happened last time, the Middletons are proceeding with caution. Even they are unable to predict with any certainty what the future holds for their elder daughter and her royal lover. "They are pretending not to be involved with what is developing," says one of their neighbours. "They're letting nature take its course."

Few will have forgotten that, last December, William pointedly - or so it seemed - invited Kate's parents to his passing-out Sovereign's Parade at Sandhurst. The couple sat on either side of their daughter, alongside William's godfather, ex-King Constantine of Greece, and later chatted to the Queen. They looked for all the world like William's putative parents-in-law. The couple had clearly been quite deliberately drawn into this important moment in the development of the future monarch. The arrival of the invitation from William, more than anything, was a potent indication that their daughter one day could be Queen.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2007, 08:45:57 AM »
William is known for his stubbornness, but he would never have dared invite them without the approval of the Queen, who would have understood its significance.

Indeed, she is very fond of Kate and comfortable with her unassuming manner, in much the way she enjoys being with Prince Edward's wife, Sophie, whose father worked for a tyre firm.

But in the wake of this highly significant family tableau at the Royal Military Academy, and just when it was assumed that 'Princess Kate' was a done deal, two things happened.

One was that Kate, inadvertently, may have over-played her hand.

So sure of William, she confided to friends of a possible imminent engagement announcement.

The other was that he suddenly got cold feet.

One of William's friends explained: "Suddenly, the enormity of what he was drifting into hit him - and hit him hard. It sort of woke him up to what was happening, and seemed to send him off the rails a bit."

This was the period when William was seen out partying and enjoying himself without Kate, and he allowed himself to be photographed with other girls.

William also confided his uncertainty to the Queen and Prince Philip. He wasn't sure that he "loved Kate enough".

The word "enough assumes real significance here, because he didn't say that he did not love Kate.

It was the degree of love he queried - rather poignant, coming from the son of a man who astonished the world by choosing the very day of his own engagement to Diana Spencer to pose the philosophical query: "Whatever love means...?"

When Kate learned of his uncertainty, her inevitable next step was to demand from William some kind of assurance about the future.

He couldn't give it. So they split.

Seeing them together now - or watching them, as fellow diners did, at Locanda Ottoemezzo, a popular neighbourhood restaurant in a quiet Kensington street just the other night - all that turmoil and uncertainty seems to be unreal, and very far away.

So is this the real thing?

When William was not gently cradling her head in his hands, they were holding hands.

And this, remember, is a couple who have been sharing their lives for more than four years. Not a new love, then, but perhaps a love which, having been tested apart, has found a new intensity.

Is William certain now? It looks that way.

But he is 25 and he has said, more than once, that he does not intend to marry before he is 30.

Presumably the next step will be for the couple to want to set up home together.

Edward and Sophie lived together (under the Queen's roof at Buckingham Palace), but for a future King to do so would require rather more thought and sensitive planning.

And don't underestimate the unique ability of most cackhanded royal advisers to mishandle matters.

Despite all the portents, William is still young enough to be revisited by an attack of cold feet.

He may have his mother's looks and be a popular prince, but if another break-up occurred, millions of women would see it as a case of "like father, like son".

How ironic it would be if he ended up taking the same kind of flak that rained on Prince Charles over the way he treated Diana.

"Oh please, not that," murmurs one courtier.

"He must never be like his father."

« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 08:50:06 AM by Elizabeth~Princess »

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 05:58:55 PM »
William tells Kate: You're my bride, but not till 2009
By KATIE NICHOLL - More by this author »
Last updated at 22:13pm on 27th October 2007

When Kate Middleton stayed at Birkhall with the Prince of Wales earlier this month, it was clear that Prince William's on-off girlfriend had been welcomed back into the Royal fold.

Clearly comfortable in the presence of Prince Charles, Kate joined the family deerstalking and sources were quick to speculate that it would be only a matter of time before William popped the question.

But sources close to William, a second lieutenant in the Household Cavalry, say that although the couple are dating again, Kate will have to wait until at least July 2009 to be his bride.

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Click here to read all the latest celebrity gossip in Katie's blog

Back together: The couple plan to wed in 2009

William is very happy at the moment and everything is great with him and Kate, but he's aware that now their romance is back on track all the speculation about a Royal wedding will start up again," says a friend.

"He and Kate have had a lot of discussions about their future together.

"William has told Kate he is in no hurry to get engaged and that while he does want to get married, he doesn't want to marry just yet.

"If William has his way there probably won't be a wedding until July 2009 when he finishes all his military training commitments.

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Back in the royal fold: Kate and William often discuss the future

"As long as Wills behaves himself, Kate will be happy to wait.

She's young and in love, but also not in any hurry to get married."

According to friends, the 25-yearold - who plans to quit her job as a buyer at High Street chain Jigsaw - has made William her sole focus since getting her Prince back.

"Kate played a blinder during their separation, with William eating out of her hand at the end," said one friend.

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Kate has William eating out of her hand

"Now they are back together her world revolves around him."

I'm also told the couple won't be spending Christmas together at Sandringham.

"Kate will be with her family and William with his, but they will make time to be together," said a friend.


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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 11:40:47 PM »
Uh, just for no reason.  Wills looks drunk in that picture.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2007, 08:16:57 AM »
You can defantly tell, he is drunk by that expression in his face. They came, from the night club.

This is a photo of Kate and Will taken Yesterday.


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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2007, 08:08:59 AM »

This is a photo of Kate and Will taken Yesterday.

Yesterday???  The Daily Mail published this picture last April and indicated that it was taken in March 2006.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2007, 08:13:25 AM »

This is a photo of Kate and Will taken Yesterday.

Yesterday???  The Daily Mail published this picture last April and indicated that it was taken in March 2006.
Oh, thanks for letting me know. Mistake, taken long ago. There is not any new pictures of them. I was quite unsure about it.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 05:35:33 PM »
Kate quits her fashion job as rumours grow of an engagement
By REBECCA ENGLISH - More by this author »
Last updated at 09:00am on 9th November 2007
 Comments (35)

Exit: Kate 'wants time to herself'

Kate Middleton has left her job in the fashion industry amid speculation that a royal engagement is on the horizon.

Prince William's 25-year-old girlfriend quit as an accessories buyer for High Street store Jigsaw after less than a year, telling friends she wants "some time to herself".

The friends suggest she wishes to travel or pursue a career in photography. However, staff at the company's headquarters in Kew, South-West London, have been told her job is being kept open for her should she wish to return.

Her decision to walk out on the role specially created for her by Jigsaw's owners, John and Belle Robinson, has raised eyebrows among staff given that she was required to work only four days a week to accommodate her royal boyfriend's schedule.

Kate started the job - her first since graduating from St Andrews University in June 2005 - last November after pressure from William.

It is understood he feared she was beginning to look like a footballer's wives-style figure, who did nothing all day but shop.

A fellow staff member said: "Kate is a nice enough girl but she was never what you might call committed to the job.

"She never worked full-time and appeared to take an inordinate amount of time off to go jetting round the world with her boyfriend.

"It certainly rubbed a few people here up the wrong way. To be told she would be resting for a while 'looking at other things' didn't exactly come as a surprise. She has always been treated as a special case."

Kate, who studied history of art at St Andrews University, where she met the prince, told fellow workers she was leaving on Thursday.

Bosses laid on a finger buffet featuring smoked salmon and bruschetta in the canteen before she left at 4pm to drink with friends from her department in the nearby Kew Gardens Hotel.

The leaving party was fairly low key and Kate was given an envelope of Jigsaw vouchers as a farewell present. She had the day off as usual on Friday before flying out of the country for a holiday.

One workmate said Kate had spoken at length about her interest in photography, adding: "When she was asked what she was off to do she said she was a photographer and she may open a gallery."

Several other royal girlfriends have developed an interest in the art, including Prince Andrew's ex-wife, the Duchess of York, and former girlfriend Koo Stark. Kate is more interested in artistic and still-life pictures rather than traditional portrait-style photography, however.

It is believed she has been offered a job selling luxury yachts from an office next to Clarence House, Prince William's London base.

But whatever career path she plumps for, the move provides Kate with some "breathing space" until an engagement is announced.

Friends suggest that may well take place at the beginning of 2009, once William, also 25, has completed his period of military service next year.

Sources close to the prince have expressed their irritation, however, that Kate appears to be so obviously preparing herself to become a princess.

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Wedding bells: Speculation William and Kate will get engaged is still rife

One said: "She just seems to be killing time until William finally pops the question, which seems a little desperate in this day and age."

All in all, it appears things are looking up for the middle-class girl from Berkshire, who has had something of a rocky 12 months in the romance stakes.

Earlier this year, the couple's relationship lay in tatters after the second-in-line-to-the-throne got cold feet about their four-year romance.

But six weeks of watching his ex-girlfriend flaunt herself in a series of revealing outfits was enough to prompt a change of heart.

Last month, the couple allowed themselves to be photographed for the first time since their reunion on a night out at London nightclub Boujis.

Kate was also pictured with Prince Charles on the Royal estate at Balmoral before spending the day deer stalking with her boyfriend.

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 10:50:35 AM »
If the story about Kate quitting her job in order to spend more time with William is true, there now should be debate about Kate's ability to be Princess of Wales and Qeen Consort of England.

Again, If the story is true, Kate has done herself more harm than good IMHO!

Who is advising this young woman...Sarah York????

"Fashion is so rarely great art that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we should stop going to the mall.


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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2007, 02:08:16 AM »
Kate is holding on to William no doubt about it...but the scary thing William (just like his father was with Diana) going along with the flow..but at the bottom of him much less sure than Kate...she certainly is a very determined young lady....perhaps what he needs..the Windsors have had a great knack of finding strong wives...but in the meantime she wants to get a job..and not be so obvious..

Offline ChristineM

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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2007, 04:51:09 AM »
Ashdean - just how do you know all this?   If you are relying on the tabloid press, or your interpretation of the tabloid press, you'll eat all you see.

Give this girl a chance.   Even the royal family credit her with making William stick it out at university and gain a creditable degree (unlike the majority of his relatives).   However not the match of hers.   To have a first class honours degree indicates that she is more intelligent than approximately 95% of posters here.   What she chooses to do with it, is her business and her business alone.     

Already the vultures are hovering to attack any weakness.

Leave the girl alone.   William will be a lucky man of she does hang around.   She has loyalty, brains, beauty and appears to be charming.



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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2007, 09:27:01 AM »
I did not say she wasn't charming..and I complimented her determination..but the facts are there..and the way she pushed herself forward during their break up spoke volumes AND she should get a job instead of hanging around....


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Re: Prince William and Kate Middleton
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2007, 12:14:58 PM »
Personally i think that Kate quit her job to further her photographic hobby and build it into a business and maybe open a gallery with it.

I have always liked Kate.
