But still I think the British people do not want her as Queen. It will be intresting what happens when Charles ascends as to her position. If she is crowned I can see a great outcry from the British people over this. The POW casts a long shadow down the years.
You see all that?You must be clairvoyant Michael,I don´t see that at all.All I see is a country that should stop nagging over a Lady that has done absolutely nothing wrong,not one step,since she became the Princess of Wales,never mind she doesn´t use that title,all previous ones are dead,vamos,gone,no use for false sentiments and this is what´s been the case for the past nearly 11 years now.Stop that nonsense!Get real!I think the British have to/can worry on a lot more issues then the if and what of HRH The Duchess of Cornwall in the near or distant future,depending on when dear HM QE II decides to leave us all,may that day be far away still,no mistake about that,but this constant nagging and fingerpointing towards HRH,in a country where 1 in 3 marriages break-up,people should absolutely stop projecting their own dirt/trash on her.