Const. the same has happened here. When HM and Prince Phillip came for a visit in the 80's, they drew huge crowds, even though they arrived in an awful storm. Pouring rain and strong winds. They flew up from LA as the sea was too turbulent to take the Britannia. It tagged along on it's own. They stayed at one of our finest hotels and gave the reciprocal dinner at one of out finest restaurants, instead of the royal yacht.
When Charles and Camilla arrived a few years ago, they drew extremely modest crowds, even though the weather was perfect. The entrance of the QM2 into SF bay drew much larger crowds
The princely couple had some royal groupies, a minority to say the least, and left without much notice. As it happened, I was in the UK during that event, I persona;ly would not have bothered anyway, but a couple of people I know went out of their way to see them and I had full reports.