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Norbert, what makes you classify me as a republican? I have not given my position at all, just relating those of the friends I have in Britain. And who are "we"? I spend a lot of time in Britain and am a close observer and listener. I would say your views are a distinct minority. Most people just are trying to get by and could give less than a fig for royal fro-fro. I imagine Camilla feels the same.
I spend a lot of time in Britain and am a close observer and listener.Sorry ,I forgot to quote you Robert. Where did you say you came from?
I think Princess Consort without coronation would be acceptable to most. Camilla would be in tune with Mett Meritte and Maxima.
No, Michael, I was not referring to you at all. Now, could we just get back to the topic, which is Camilla, after all? The current staus and future is another topic altogether.