How did I miss this marvelous post until now? Thank you Nicolá! The small pairs uniforms seem similar, except for the detail colours. ( and buttons) Sadly I haven't seen a photo of Anastasia dressed in her regiment uniform, or know whether such a phot even was taken since she received the regiment during the war. But in my mind's eye, now that I have seen her regiments uniform, I certainly can imagine how "the number one chief fireman " would had enjoyed it! Thanks again!
blessOTMA, you are always very welcome;).
I must add for the clarity that these illustrations show us
only the correct uniform structure itself (with different minor, but important details). As to the real colours - these illustrations are only with approximate colors. If somebody wants to colorize photo or make painting with OTMA's regiment, it would be better to use the real uniform photos, which were posted hundred of times by Sarah and other forum members.
About Anastasia's uniform - of course it existed. I can assume (not being OTMA expert), that she was simply too young to wear uniform before the War, while during and after there were a lot of things to do, instead of trying on the uniform.