Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs
Mistress of Felix, husband of Zenaide
The prinses félix really had a mistress, named Zénaïde Gregorieff, giving her two sons, Nicolas born in 1912 and Olivier in 1916.
They managed to leave Russia in the 20's, with a small Tatiana, born in 1920, thanks to Felix and his secretary.
They lived Thanks of prince, Prince until his death in 1928, and then she had to provide for the needs of these children by selling one at a time jewelry offered by her lover.
Could you please name a source of your info?
Yes, a slate of Auctions
I don't understand the title of this thread. Please would someone be good enough to explain ???
--- Quote from: Eddieboy_uk on November 13, 2007, 12:11:17 PM ---I don't understand the title of this thread. Please would someone be good enough to explain ???
--- End quote ---
Allegedly Felix Senior (Felix Yusopov's father) had a mistress, who was the namesake of his wife...
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