Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Hi, from a new member and Tatiana fan!

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Olishka~ Pincess:
601,1359,Ts.S., Apr. 15, 1915,pp.84-85 "...Well, we've finished the lesson. I am writing to you again and am smoking the cigarette which you gave to me at the time of Lent and I did not have time to smoke it. I am enjoying it now."

601,1359,Ts.S., June 11 1915,p.91
"...I'm sitting in the garden opposite the Children's Island and enjoying myself. Ortino is lying at my feet and sleeping. We've just returned from the Grand Palace where we went to see the wounded... How silly I was not to take a cigarette with me. So, those damned mosquitoes are litrally eating me."

These are letters that Tatiana wrote to her father, she states that she did smoke cigarettes. She also used them to keep the insects away since there was no bug repelant spray back then. Welcome to the forum  I am_Tatianochka Enjoy!!!

I am_Tatianochka:
I have also read that the girls put on little plays and played instruments for entertament. True or not?

True. in Tobolsk, they put on plays for fun. They played the piano, and they might have played the balalaika a little.

I am_Tatianochka:

--- Quote from: historybuff_262 on December 02, 2007, 06:19:22 PM ---True. in Tobolsk, they put on plays for fun. They played the piano, and they might have played the balalaika a little.

--- End quote ---



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