Author Topic: Not about the Romanovs, but still history...  (Read 3499 times)

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Not about the Romanovs, but still history...
« on: July 31, 2008, 01:21:49 AM »
Has anyone seen or read the Other Boleyn Girl? I loved the book, I finished it in a few days. I know it isn't accurate very much at all, so I just read it for entertainment. Making George Boleyn gay was sort of weird, though, especially since he was supposed to be a womanizer.

However, I've tried to sit through the movie twice. Can't do it. Scarlet Johannson(sp) was just terrible. I've never noticed her bad acting in other movies, but she was just dreadful. I never saw Natalie Portman as Anne, though I do think she can act. And Eric Bana as Henry VIII is the worst casting of all. But it wasn't just the actors. The entire thing didn't hold my interest for very long.

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Re: Not about the Romanovs, but still history...
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 09:55:20 AM »
I bought the movie soem days ago (I've never saw it, I just had a 2 movie for 16$), but I saw the begining and I found it interesting..

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Re: Not about the Romanovs, but still history...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 11:31:06 AM »
However, I've tried to sit through the movie twice. Can't do it. Scarlet Johannson(sp) was just terrible. I've never noticed her bad acting in other movies, but she was just dreadful. I never saw Natalie Portman as Anne, though I do think she can act.

Johannson was very good in Lost in Translation, but a few other movies I've seen her in (The Prestige comes to mind) didn't exactly impress me. She supposedly appears headed down the same thorny path of substance abuse as Kisten Dunst, sorry to say.

Natalie Portman is an entirely different matter. She grew up on Long Island in New York only a few towns away from where I was brought up, although in different eras. Loved her in Leon and the kid absolutely stole the show in Beautiful Girls. In fact, I've enjoyed everything she's been it that I've seen except the Star Wars movies. Thought she was horrible in those and apparently she herself has said the same thing as well. In fairness though, in no way, shape or form am I a fan of the Star Wars franchise, Natalie or not.

Would loved to have seen her on Broadway playing Anne Frank.


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Re: Not about the Romanovs, but still history...
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 11:37:21 PM »
i just seen the other boleyn girl and i totally agree scarlet wasnt that good.

i seen natalie portman in the movie v for vendetta she was great there and the same for this movie.

i think they portrayed henry pretty well.