Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family

Prince Aage

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Prince Aage inherited his mother, Princess Marie's temper and impulsiveness. He married Countess Mathilde in 1914 in Italy without informing his family. Prince Valdemar rushed to Italy, slapt Aage in the face and then politely congratulated his new wife. Luckily King Christian X accepted the union and after much discussion gave him the title of Count of Rosenborg. Henceforth he was known as HH Prince Aage, Count of Rosenborg.
The family had a nice life until much of the familys money was lost during a great bank scandal in 1922, where many royals lost their money. As Prince Aage didn't have any income he decided to join the French Foreign Legion, whereas his wife and son went to live in Italy. The marriage was over, although they never divorced.

Some pictures.

Princess Marie with Prince Aage

Marie with Aage and Axel

Princes Aage, Axel and Erik

Aage and Axel in 1904

Aage, Marie and Axel

The hole family

Countess Matilda and Prince Aage

And Prince Aage in the French Foreing Legion

Princess Jil:
Thanks everyone for the info and photos.  Does anyone know about the uniform Prince Aage was wearing in my postcard photo?



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