Author Topic: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)  (Read 123249 times)

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aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2008, 08:15:07 PM »
Attn. "brnbg aka: liljones 1968" :  Yes, thanks also for the posting of the illustration of the circular Faberge frame.  As you have correctly posted, Britzin did indeed work in St, Petersburg.  Kenneth Snowman in his early volume, "The Art of Carl Faberge," mentions  (Under "Faberge's Competitors (p. 129)," that  "The most notable of these (competitor) firms were Beilin, Bock, Bolin, BRITZIN, (etc.). On the preceeding page,128, he notes that "Belin, Bock and BRITZIN worked at Faberge's before establishing their own firms."   Paul E. Paulson. on page XXIII of his "Guide to Russian Silver Hallmarks" gives "Ivan S. Britsyn - 1869-1912 (and hallmark) - Britsyn (in Cyrillic letters)." He further notes on p.25, that it is a "great possibility" that Britsyn was "directly connected with Faberge at one time or another."  Regardless, Britsyn was evidently a fine craftsman and it's a pleasure to see an example of his work.  Of course, the GREAT mystery to me (at least), is how and most importantly, WHEN, this apparently original candid photo of G. Rasputin ended up in a frame said to be from the Alexander Palace!  Perhaps it originally was Anna Vyroubova's that mysteriously "migrated" to the Palace when things from the area were confiscated after the fall of the dynasty?  Do we know of any documentation (interior photos, memoirs, etc. showing that the IF kept such an item as this?  (Of course, there ARE a very few photos known of G. Rasputin with the Imperial children and I believe the Empress AF is in at least one......but NEVER the Emperor)  Oh, well, who knows... but one can be certain that for a collector, the present value of this frame is greatly enhanced with that photo!  Interesting!   Best regards, AP
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 08:24:49 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2008, 08:41:46 PM »
This is an addendum to my post (#15) above:  I have since seen that this item has also been posted under the topic, Rasputin/"Rasputin's devotees," and it gave me pause to search my memory as to this specific photo.  I do believe, as I have said, that it is an original photo and now I recall what may be the occasion of the taking of the picture.  I do NOT have a reference volume in front of me, but I distinctly recall that there were a FEW photos made of G. Rasputin, in a similiar outfit, with other men, taken near/on a riverbank perhaps near his hometown area.  I think that this photo is a cropped version (for the frame) of one of those photos.  Under magnification, MY eyes see a river in the near background (behind Rasputin) with a opposite riverbank and occasional trees/shrubry.  If I am in error, I will gladly stand corrected.    AP
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 08:52:14 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2008, 07:35:36 PM »
You're welcome and I'm so glad you enjoyed them, Tatiana. ;-) Faberge's creations were not only beautiful, but so very unique. I have always been fascinated by them.

I must confess the picture/icon isn't of me. It's a photo of the actress Loretta Young from the 1930s.

Offline Luc

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2008, 07:51:17 AM »
Did you already try this link ? :

It's great and very extensive !  :)


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2008, 04:34:32 PM »

This book is sooooo expensive. I'm gonna try to buy it at the end of this year ( hoping so )

And find new peace on Wartski

Offline rgt9w

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2008, 04:52:23 PM »
For Faberge enthusiasts, Sotheby's is having a sale titled "Imperial and Royal Presents" in November 2008. The sale includes items gifted by Empress Marie Feodorvna and her daughter Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to members of Empress Marie's family particularly Marie's sister Thyra, Duchess of Cumberland.

I have enclosed the link to browse the catalogue:


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2008, 09:36:50 PM »
Yes, thank you, I have ordered the catalogue, however, I doubt I shall be bidding on anything.

Offline rgt9w

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2008, 07:21:53 PM »
I ordered the catalogue as well. I'm sure the items will go for very high prices.

Offline LadyTudorRose

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2009, 09:04:58 AM »
I don't know if any of you have ever been to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond but I was there for a fashion show my mom was involved with in November and they had an exhibit on Faberge that included many pieces that had belonged to the IF (at least according to the guard who told us "loud teenagers" we better not touch anything but I know people in museums sometimes don't know what they're talking about and she also said George V and Nicholas II were twin brothers) and picture framed with old photos of NAOTMAA in them. I was able to recognize the people in the photos and some of the stuff was incredibly beautiful.

I don't know if any of you have even seen that, but it was all beautiful. If you're ever there I would recommend it.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2009, 09:19:17 AM »
The Faberge holdings of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts are well-known.  I have seen them several times.  They have several of the Imperial presentation eggs and seem to be quite willing to share some of them for exhibitions at other museums.    Regards,  AP
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 09:25:08 AM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2009, 11:29:27 AM »
Some pieces from their collection  came to San Francisco a few years back.  Very nice but not all  were "Imperial". They were Faberge, but they soid to anyone who could afford them.


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2009, 09:08:36 PM »
Oh, I am breathless after looking through those yummy piccies...thank you!

I have been indulging in what I call Faberge drooling for years now.... its rather like some 'wicked' guilty pleasure indulged in only behind closed doors in private, like devouring a box of chocolates in one sitting all at once, but without the fear of side effects in the case of Faberge drooling! Well, all except to one's time, which could be spent doing something a little more constructive that is!!

I was wondering about books our lovely members here could recommend in order to satisfy my 'habit.' My yearning is not quite so acute as to provoke me into spending 186.94 GBP on a 'fix' though, which is what I would have to part with to get my paws on a copy of Tatiana Faberge's Magnus Opus. Unless I could be sure that it really would keep me satisfied for a 'long' time, then I might consider it....but I need to know that its good stuff...if you get my drift!

 I could try finding a copy here, but I am presently in the depths of the Pacific and Libraries here are rather slack in stocking decent history/art works that don't have local cultural links on the whole!!!!

I do have John Traina's delicious Cigarette cases book and also Christel Ludewig McCanless and Will Lowes' scrumptious 'Faberge Eggs', but I am itching for something  new.

So, which other books are worthing having for drool factor worthiness and equally importantly, depth and breadth of data about pieces produced by Faberge across the spectrum and not just about the eggs?

Any suggestions would be very, very much appreciated!

Ciao for now




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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2009, 11:04:05 PM »
Gee, is it that much now? I paid no where near that amount for it. It very well be worth it, as it is lavish and a perfect "drool book"  However, there are so many books on Faberge. I have 17 here  in my own library.  Be that as it may, I would suggest perhaps, the Von Habsburg  volumes, especially  Faberge:Imperial Jeweler [1995] The volume is fairly  wide-ranging in his works. That is, not just the eggs.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 11:10:39 PM by Robert_Hall »


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2009, 03:02:25 PM »
Thank you Mr Hall for your sage comments...I shall have a look for the von Habsburg books...and maybe start a nest 'egg' for Tatiana Faberge's work!

Does the von Habsburg book go into detail about how much pieces cost to purchase at the time they went on sale in the St Petersburg shop and other branches including London?


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Re: Fabergé’s Beautiful Creations (w/photos)
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2009, 03:15:01 PM »
Yes, I think the  book I mentioned does have some original invoices.  I will check on that later for you.