Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs

The Yusupovs and the Romanovs' relationship

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From his memoirs, one knows that Felix Y. was a huge admirer of Ella--his mother did not seem to be. Does anyone know the source of this animosity (reflected in the following letter)? Did it go back to days "competing" as a society darling or was it only after she entered the convent or was this merely a bit of pique? I think ZY's attitude towards Ella calling Irina by name is ridiculous BTW--she was a fairly close relation after all and Irina was NOT a grand duchess, unlike Ella herself so rank shouldn't enter into it.

ZY to FY c1916
I do not like the celebrated "sister" [the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanov]. In my opinion, she poses most impudently as a member of the family. She calls Irina by her Christian name, and evcn "Tata"! I strongly object to her behaviour. When I visit Irina I constantly find her there, lounging in a chair, without in the least understanding that her presence does not interest me. She sports a kind of operatic costume of a Sister of Mercy, and generally spoils the whole atmosphere by her presence. Irina seems to accept it all as inevitable, whereas I simply cannot stand it. You will see for yourself soon, when you come home.

Any pics of them together?

How about a thread to discuss the friendship of these two ladies, and their alliance against Rasputin that led to them both being disowned by Alexandra? Also, how their relationship may have changed after Ella became a nun, after she had been Zenaida's party girl friend. There were negative comments later on that made me think she was fed up with her though I'm sure they remained friends. Any pics of them together would be more than welcome!

I have often read that both Zenaida and Ella were pretty much two of the top social girls before they both lost very important men in their lives.
Zenaida lost her eldest son Nicholas and Ella lost her husband Sergei.
Its pretty clear that they were both never the same after these events in thier lives, Zenaida mourned her son and Ella in turn became a nun. However, even then they were considered pretty close friends.
Therefore I was very suprised to learn that towards the end they were not as close as I had thought.

I have yet to see a clear a photo of these two together, so I too would welcome any pictures out there.

I am pretty sure that this apparent 'rift' between Zenaida and Ella has been explored in another thread; would someone please just refresh memory as to the cause of it, and the evidence that supports this theory?


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