Author Topic: Salutations & Acknowledgements  (Read 7314 times)

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ArchDss Louise-Henriette

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Salutations & Acknowledgements
« on: May 03, 2008, 08:17:45 PM »
This is a thread that  I truly believe we all can participate in, share with others, and enjoy ! :) .   If you wish to salute/acknowledge any member, moderator, or forum administrator on what a great job they're doing or have done on  - then PLEASE do so here. 

I wish to acknowledge grandduchessella, you are such a precious person and I really appreciate how you never tire of answering my often 'droll' questions and sharing your extensive knowledge of 'all things royal' with all of us. And, of course, I also appreciate each moderator for all the wonderful work they have been doing  :D

L. H.


Offline Sarushka

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 09:13:12 PM »
Some of these names will be unfamiliar to newer members, but I'm particularly grateful to:

Lanie, for her photo collection

Georgiy, for his knowledge of Orthodoxy

matushka, for her translations of scarce Russian sources

felix, for initiating the book-swapping thread

More later, I'm sure...


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2008, 10:15:12 PM »
I should like to acknowledge the efforts and expertise guidance on all aspects on Grand Duchess Anastasia by Holly here on the forums. Here is an individual whom I have come to know as someone not only well versed on the minute characteristics and details of the Romanovs, but expresses an understanding of all things classical on a wide range of intellectual mediums. She has always been of service to those here who have wished to learn and encouraged the aspirations of those who have deemed it necessary to understand the final decades of Imperial Russia. She has given me not only many hours of cherished companionship but shared her love of Russia and OTMAA with me in such a manner that so rightly befits a kindred spirit. I cherish this prodigious individual not merely as a colleague in history but an asset to this worldwide community. Her efforts in the deliverance of Anastasia's life and legacy are so justly viewed in the meritorious work of her internet based site and endearing colour-enhanced photographs. The passion in her pursuit for prestigious standing in all things in regards to Russian History have led to her preeminence as an outstanding resource. With her comes the full realization of one who's ardour lays the basis for her success. She truly is , if it may so humbly be pronounced, the "Anastasia Master".

And of course, how could one fail to bring forth the best aspects of Sarushka! Her sizable and extensive resources on Imperial Russian history have included some of the rarest of documents and breathtaking of pictures. Never one to refrain from helping all here in such a manner that befits a saint, she in herself is a truly unique individual, one whom this site and myself could ill afford to lose.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 10:22:20 PM by NAOTMAA Fan »


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 06:38:42 AM »
I am also thankful to the following members of the AP Forum. I'm thankful to a lot of people, and I hope I don't forget anyone.

Sarushka - Thank you for the best possible help with books, as well as providing photographs for those people in search of specific ones in the 'Looking For Pictures' threads.

Holly - There is no way I could have said it better than NAOTMAA Fan. Thank you for providing such wonderful information on Anastasia and creating a beautiful website that all of us can look at.

Jelisaveta (Isa) and grandduchess_42 (Emily) - Thank you for the outstanding avatars, banners, and colourised photographs you provide for other members everyday.

imperial angel and grandduchessella - Thank you for giving such clear responses in the threads here at the forum.

Velkoknezna Maria and Nena - Thank you for providing rare pictures which is a joy to look at for all of us.

Laura Mabee - Thank you for putting Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya Semya on your wonderful website, as I have been keen to watch it for a while, and enjoyed it immensely.

Lastly, ArchDss Louise-Henriette, thank you for starting this thread so I can acknowledge and express my appreciation for the other members of the AP Forum.

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 10:44:57 AM »
Thank you so much Keegan and Ferah!! That means a lot to me. I owe a lot to some people here as well:

Sarushka (Sarah): You've done so much for this forum and the APTM website. You've always tried to help people out with whatever you could and I'm thankful for that and for all the things you've done for me alone. You're a great friend to me and an even better 'Aunt Olga'. Haha.

Jelisaveta (Isa): Thanks for being such a kind person. I'm glad that we've been friends and 'sisters' for so long now. I hope we are for a really long time! Oh, you're also extremely good at creating banners, avatars, and collages as well. :D

NAOTMAA Fan (Keegan): Well, I can't write anything like you did but thanks for making your beautiful artwork of OTMAA and sharing your love of the Romanovs with me. (And also for being my Romanov soulmate! Whee.)

Nena: Thank you for sharing all of your rare pictures with everyone. You're a very sweet person.

Lanie: Thanks for your photograph collection and everything else you've shared.

Isabel and Tessel: Thanks to both of you for your gorgeous colored pictures and for being such kind people here.

Ferah: You're a really nice person!!

Margarita Markovna & Grand Duchess Sasha: Thank you both for your friendship over the past few years. You're also great 'sisters'. :)

"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 12:52:27 PM »
Laura Mabee!!: I couldn't possibly have gone off without thanking you profusely for your expressive interest in my art and extremely noble act of displaying my works on your website. Your in itself is an exemplary piece of credible first rate resources and does the Romanov memory such outstanding credit. You've worked meticulously here on the APTM to ensure the peace and continued success of people's learning here, and I thank you!

Holly you do me too much service to feel the need to thank me for anything, only natural your work be noticed!! And thanks again to Sarushka/ Sarah/ (Aunt Olga, :D) for sharing her possessions with me and Holly and so many others and her assistance with projects. I wish only the brightest of futures for you!!

Offline Sarushka

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 08:30:09 PM »
I told you there'd be more...

For friendship (and cheerleading): Margarita Markovna, Holly, Grand Duchess Sasha

For unadulterated kindness: Who else but Laura Mabee?

For rare pictures: Zarevna Olga, clockworkgirl21, KarlandZita, nena, and anastasia.prue

For banners & wallpapers: Jelisaveta and Justine

And for levity: louis_charles and Tsarfan

Keegan, Ferah, & Holly -- you're most welcome.


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 08:44:25 PM »
First on my list is Laura Mabee and Sarushka. For their continual kindness, graciousness, and ability to remain above the fray.

Lisa Davidson and Granduchessella, for your vast and brilliant knowledge of history and your willingness to impart that knowledge to the board.

To everyone who brings the fantastic colored pictures to life...thank you. You are extremely talented and thank you for sharing that talent with us.

I have to go with Sarushka and say for that levity no one beats louis_charles and Tsarfan


Offline GDLynn

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 10:38:55 PM »
I've made alot of friends since I joined this forum almost a year ago.

First, Sarushka: You are a great person, and where would any of us be with out you and all your Romanov and Royal Knowledge? and all of your help when I (or anyone for that matter) am looking for a picture. Thank you thank you!!

Second: Isabel, Justine, Missy, and Emliy, because for all your lovely colored pictures, I started coloring. you all are REALLY good at what you do. and I'm always stunned by your work!

Third: Joyann, For being a great friend, I'm sure if she still gets on here or not.

Forth: Keegan! for sharing all the lovely art work with us!!! and just because Keegan is just an all around good person.

Fith: ArchDss Louise-Henriette, one for starting this tread, and two for always having a Picture that I can color when bored from all my homeschooling. she's great.

sixth: Laura Mabee, besides The AP. Laura's site, is one of my favorite Romanov web sites. and She is a kind, good person.

and Last but NOT lest:  Bob Atchison, for making this site in the first place! this has to be one of my favorite sites. 

I'm sure that there are more...I just can't think of any now.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2008, 10:42:15 PM by AnastasiaNRfan »

ArchDss Louise-Henriette

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2008, 12:40:58 PM »
Awww ... thanks Lynn !  :D    You're so precious !  :)     ** HUGS **

Offline GDLynn

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2008, 02:28:38 PM »
Awww ... thanks Lynn !  :D    You're so precious !  :)     ** HUGS **

your welcome!! and thanks! :)



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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2008, 03:40:43 PM »
I have no specific person here to acknowledge, but rather I'd like to acknowledge everyone.  The people who started the site, the people who contributed to articles, books, pictures...everything.  If it wasn't for this place, I'd go crazy because I wouldn't have a place to share my love for the IF!


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2008, 07:55:22 PM »
I want to be thankful and to salute to whom they do of this forum a pretty and interesting place with all data, its commentaries, their photos, their controversies and their jokes :)
It sent a respectful hug to them from Mexico :)

Thanks and greetings to all :)


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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2008, 07:02:42 PM »
There are so many I want to thank on this board who've made it such an awesome place.

First to historybuff262, who is unfortunately no longer registered to the site it seems, for being a dear friend and fellow writer. I always appreciated your reviews and kind discussions about our beloved hound dogs. Also to Love4Royalty who has been a kind friend. I hope that you finished your beautiful Elisabeth doll :)

Ortino, AGRBear and Sarushka who have all kindly provided me with information on my favourite people in history - the dogs!

The wonderful mods and admins, who've done such an excellent job in controlling the attidude and flames on this forum and are so eager to share their knowledge.

The incredible artists who's colorizing, artwork and manipulations put a smile on my face everyday.

And of course everyone else, who can forget everyone else who've made this place what it is. :)

ArchDss Louise-Henriette

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Re: Salutations & Acknowledgements
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2008, 03:43:15 PM »
I would like to salute a few more individuals   :) ... Isabel, Lynn, and Ally.

To Isabel - you have no idea how special you are, humble, talented and blessed you are !  ;D Thank you for being such a great person and friend. * HUGS*

To Lynn - you are the perfect fit, and the world isn't ready for you  ;) ... what more can I say? I admire you and I'll always try to be here for you.

To Ally - thanks for being so loyal, unselfish, generous and gifted. You really are the definition of a true friend.  :D

My dedications to each of you :

Princess Isabel

Grand Duchess Lynn (I've promoted your status)  :P

Grand Duchess Ally (all grown up..)  ;)

Louise Henriette
