No order.. well maybe a little, in order of the names I came across on the AP as I browsed the threads.
Lanie - For being my buddy when I got interested in the Romanovs back in the 90s!
Felix - For starting the duplicate book thread, and being so generous with his books!
S.v.markov - For his kindness!
Sarushka - For her help and advice on a wide variety of topics!
KoloaGirl - For her friendship and understanding!
Azrael7171918 - For her generosity, friendship, kindness and understanding!
Brnbg aka: liljones1968 - For his amazing contributions to the boards!
Jim & Nina Wilhelm - For their friendship, and support!
Lathe1 - For his patience, kindness and generosity!
Rgt9w - For his generosity!
Rodney_G - Also for his generosity!
Prince_Lieven - For his friendship!
Chrissy - For her kindness and generosity!
Svetabel - For her insight and advice!
YOU! - For making this board a great place to be!
You know, as I am getting down on my list I realize there are names and people who have helped me over these years and I have had a hard time keeping track. In all honesty, without these boards, I would be - no word of a lie - in a very difference place in life. You awesome people have been a great encouragement and help! *HUGS FOR EVERYONE*... *MORE HUGS*