I've made alot of friends since I joined this forum almost a year ago.
First, Sarushka: You are a great person, and where would any of us be with out you and all your Romanov and Royal Knowledge? and all of your help when I (or anyone for that matter) am looking for a picture. Thank you thank you!!
Second: Isabel, Justine, Missy, and Emliy, because for all your lovely colored pictures, I started coloring. you all are REALLY good at what you do. and I'm always stunned by your work!
Third: Joyann, For being a great friend, I'm sure if she still gets on here or not.
Forth: Keegan! for sharing all the lovely art work with us!!! and just because Keegan is just an all around good person.
Fith: ArchDss Louise-Henriette, one for starting this tread, and two for always having a Picture that I can color when bored from all my homeschooling. she's great.
sixth: Laura Mabee, besides The AP. Laura's site, Frozentears.org is one of my favorite Romanov web sites. and She is a kind, good person.
and Last but NOT lest: Bob Atchison, for making this site in the first place! this has to be one of my favorite sites.
I'm sure that there are more...I just can't think of any now.