Author Topic: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?  (Read 11116 times)

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Offline clockworkgirl21

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Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« on: August 26, 2009, 07:09:44 PM »
OTM went, but not A. It was in 1915, so maybe Anastasia was considered too young?


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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 01:22:41 PM »
I am a newb, so do forgive me if the question is ignorant- Who is KR?


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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 01:25:47 PM »
I am a newb, so do forgive me if the question is ignorant- Who is KR?

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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2009, 02:51:34 PM »
Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov - I have his face in my signature...

I thought that was Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich.  They look very similar.

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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2009, 03:23:44 PM »
Most likely because of her age, as Sarah said.
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 08:21:16 PM »
Did Anastasia actually not go, or is she just missing from the only photo we have (which is of OTM) from the occasion?

If someone can provide the date, I'll check Royal Sisters of Mercy to see if OTM mentioned KR's funeral in their diaries.
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2009, 12:41:48 PM »
In A Lifelong Passion, I think Nicholas wrote in his diary that OTM went, but didn't mention Anastasia.

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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2009, 02:19:01 PM »
In A Lifelong Passion, I think Nicholas wrote in his diary that OTM went, but didn't mention Anastasia.

You're right. According to LP, it appears that Alexandra didn't go either. Perhaps Anastasia was elected to stay home with her mother?

On the other hand, LP occasionally makes cuts to letters and diaries without indicating when something is missing. I'll try to remember to ask Laura Mabee to have a look at that date (8 June 1915 OS) in NII's diaries next time I chat with her, just to be sure.
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2009, 07:15:19 PM »
On June 8. Monday.

At 10.10 went with Ella, O [lga], T [atyana] and M [aria] in the city right in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Funerary liturgy and the funeral service lasted two and a half hours. It was sad to look at.

v. Olga, Mavra, and in particular to the poor Tatiana Konst [antinovnu], when the body was lowered into the grave Bones! Lunching with Mom. Returned to Tsarskoe Selo at 4 o'clock. Ride with Alexei on the ponds. The day was good. At 6 hr. I received Shcherbatovathe first report, then Grigorovich. Ate: Ella, Masha and Dmitri. Engaged in the evening.

Sorry for bad translation. It seems, that AAA didn't attend the funeral.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 07:46:42 PM by nena »
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2009, 12:36:41 AM »
More correct translation, according to Nena's post:

At 10:10 went with Ella, O [lga], T [atiana] and M [aria] in the city, right to Peter and Paul Cathedral. Funerary liturgy and the funeral service lasted two and a half hours. It was sad to look at Olga, Mavra, and particularly Tatiana Konst [antinovna] when the body was lowered into the grave! Lunched with Mama. Returned to Tsarskoe Selo at 4 o'clock. Rode with Alexei at the ponds. The day was good. After 6 hours I received Shcherbatovathe for the first report, then Grigorovich. Dined with Ella, Masha and Dmitri. Engaged in talk during the evening.

I added a bit, but just because I thought it might make more sense. ;) I know that A Lifelong Passion cuts some parts of the letters, but there are a couple differences that I'm curious about. Here:

At 10:30 I set out with Ella, Olga, Tatiana and Maria to town, straight to the Petropavlovsk cathedral. The requiem service and funeral lasted two and a half hours. It was sad to look at Aunt Olga, Mavra and particularly poor Tatiana [KR's daughter] when they lowered Kostia's body into the grave! Lunched with Mama. Returned to Tsarskoe Selo at 4 o'clock. Went out on the ponds with Alexei. The day was fine.

So I'm curious about:
1) Was it at 10:10 or at 10:30? I guess we'll never know, but still...
2) Town or city?
3) Was it at Peter and Paul Cathedral or Petropavlovsk cathedral?
4) Was it Olga Nikolaevna, Nicholas' daughter? Or was it Olga Alexandrovna? Or one of his Aunts? He had 2 Aunt Olgas that would have been alive at the time.
5) Did he ride with Alexei near the ponds or did he go canoeing? 

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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 07:25:25 AM »
Here's the Russian text, from
8-го июня. Понедельник.

В 10.10 отправился с Эллой, О[льгой], Т[атьяной] и М[арией] в город прямо в Петропавловский собор. Заупокойная литургия и отпевание продолжались два с половиною часа. Грустно было смотреть на т. Ольгу, Мавру и в особенности на бедную Татьяну Конст[антиновну], когда опускали тело Кости в могилу! Завтракали у Мама. Вернулись в Царское Село в 4 часа. Покатался с Алексеем на прудах. День стоял хороший. В 6 час. принял Щербатова с первым докладом, затем Григоровича. Обедали: Элла, Мария Павловна и Дмитрий. Занимался вечером.

2) Town or city?

Since we know the funeral took place in Petrograd, I don't think that's a significant difference. Probably just a variance in translation of "город."

3) Was it at Peter and Paul Cathedral or Petropavlovsk cathedral?

Nicholas uses "Петропавловский" (Petropavlosk). However, I think it's the same place either way -- "Peter and Paul" is just the anglicized version.

4) Was it Olga Nikolaevna, Nicholas' daughter? Or was it Olga Alexandrovna? Or one of his Aunts? He had 2 Aunt Olgas that would have been alive at the time.

IMO, Olga Nikolaevna. The imperial family was in the habit of abbreviating the children's names with initials, and listing them in order of age, as Nicholas does here: "O, T, and M." For other family members and friends, they seem to have used slightly longer abbreviations -- such as Nik. Pav. for Nikolai Pavlovich, for example. Also, the editors of the diaries and letters would have indicated if the abbreviation stood for someone outside the usual pattern.

5) Did he ride with Alexei near the ponds or did he go canoeing?

Literally, "Покатался с Алексеем на прудах" translates to "Rode with Alexei on the ponds" (as opposed to "to the ponds"). "Покататься" is a sort of all-purpose verb that can mean driving or riding when used alone, but can also be used for things like boating, sledding, skating, bicycling, etc. depending on context. In this context, I believe it means they went kayaking.
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2009, 09:15:23 AM »
Nicholas uses "Петропавловский" (Petropavlosk). However, I think it's the same place either way -- "Peter and Paul" is just the anglicized version.

Petropavlovsk is Petropavlovsk, nominative case, name of -- (gorod is more like town), but Petropavlovskii is another form, and means ' of Petropavlovsk's ' -- genitive singular case, Church of Peter and Paul.

I believe it is ON, as well. And also I believe they were kayaking in the AP Park.
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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2009, 07:05:35 PM »
Didn't Anastasia have bronchitis around this time? If so, she was probably home recovering and Alexandra was looking after her.

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Re: Why did Anastasia not go to KR's funeral?
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 05:52:51 AM »
To my knowledge, she had in early 1916 some illness of respiratory ways. As for 1915, I am not sure. I have to check.
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