Author Topic: Princess Victoria of Schaumburg-Lippe (Moretta), 2nd daughter of Kaiser Friedrich III  (Read 241466 times)

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Kate Zuibkoff

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Hello! I registered in the forum to write a personal message to Sebran, by I can't manage to send it! MAybe there is a bug but when I press SEND the page returns to the write-in form.
I hope Sebran will find my message here.
Hello Sebran!

I found this forum and your posts when searching the Web for infos about my family's history.
My name is Ekaterina Zubkova and I am grand-daughter to Anatoliy Zubkov who was Alexander Zu bkov's brother. From your posts I understood that you are a descendant to Mary, Alexander's mother, but I did not really find the relation degree. I wonder if you are my Swedish distant relative?!
If you are interested, please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to share the information about my family and what I know about Zubkov's adventure, to send you my parents' and grandparents' family photoes. It would be really great if we could exchange what we know about the whole story.


Offline Svetabel

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I don't remember seeing a photo of her in tiara and jewels...?

Here's Viktoria in tiara and in jewels. Photo of 1908 year


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This was mistakingly listed as Charly on the Hessen State Archive


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They sometimes do. They also mixed up Charly with Sophie of Greece, Moretta's sister.


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I don't remember seeing a photo of her in tiara and jewels...?

Here's Viktoria in tiara and in jewels. Photo of 1908 year

The first one is new for me, Sveta. Not the second one, obviously from the same session, but the first one...I like it so much.

My favourite pic of Moretta:


Offline Carolath Habsburg

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Toddler Moretta

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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She doesn't look like a happy child does she ?

Offline HerrKaiser

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You cannot judge the happiness of a victorian era child based on a staged photo. Few photos of the era showed "happy" faces on anyone, due to the technology requirements and the social tone of the day. What we see in this photo is not a relevant indicator of her demeanor.

Offline Kalafrana

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In this particular picture, Moretta looks bored and restless more than anythin. Not surprising, given that she's probably spent the last half-hour being told to keep still.


Offline Carolath Habsburg

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if you can see her right hand, looks blurry, sign that she was kind of anxious and impatient to finish the photoshoot!

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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It also looks like she is holding someone's hand with her left one, under the curtain...


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I think she moved (how many children do you know that can't stand still lol)


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It took a long time in these sessions. Once the box Kodak cameras became fashionable. More smiling faces and snap shots began to appear in the albums.

Offline Gabriella

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In her áutobiography "Was mir das Leben gab - und nahm" Viktoria-Moretta wrote she was a close friend of Grandduchess Elizabeth (Ella). Does anybody know whether they met when they were adults? Or if they exchanged letters?

Offline Marc

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I think that they knew each other from very early stages of their lives since their mothers were sisters and both lived in Germany,plus in regularly gatherings by their grandmother Queen Victoria in Britain...