Some information about Feodorov and Derevenko and their after-revolution Soviet destinies. Kostritsky emigrated and died in exile. His wife died in France.
1. Sergei Petrovich Feodorov (1869-1936) - prominent Russian/Soviet surgeon, Honoured Scientist of the RSFSR.
In 1891 graduated from medical faculty of Moscow University, then worked in the Bobrov's clinic. In 1895 defended doctoral dissertation on the subject of tetanus. Then was appointed as an assistant at the Faculty Surgical Clinic in Moscow. In 1903 headed the Department of Hospital Surgical Clinic, Military Medical Academy. In 1892, for the first time in Russia created and used cholera antitoxin for the treatment of patients, then tetanus toxin and antitoxin. In 1893 created therapeutic tetanus. Studied abroad in different universities and with famous specialists. Then developed new operations, like pielotomiya «in situ», subcapsular nephrectomy and introduced new surgical instruments. Worked in a field of urology and abdominal surgery. Then published magazine -"New Surgical Archives". Together with Girgolav and Martynov was the editor of nine-volume guide to practical surgery. From 1913 - Court Surgeon. During the First World War accompanied Nicholas II and Tsarevich Alexei in their journeys. Was the man who told Nicholas II about serious Alexei illness just before Emperor's abdication. Stayed in the USSR. One of the founders and editor of the first Soviet surgical journal "New Surgical Archives" (1921). From 1929 till 1936 - Director of the Institute of Surgical Neuropathology. Died in 1936 and was buried at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. Plaque on the building of the clinic of hospital surgery of the Military Medical Academy is placed in his memory.
2. Vladimir Nicholaevich Derevenko (1879-1936) - Russian-Soviet doctor and Professor.
Born into a noble family in the Bessarabia region. Then graduated from the 1st Kishenevskaya gymnasium (1899). Studied in the Military Medical Academy and graduated from it in 1904 with honors and the degree of doctor. In May of 1904 started his active service and was appointed as a junior doctor at the Kerch fortress artillery. At the same time directed venereal and eye departments of the local lazaret. Then took part in the Russian-Japanese war, working at the cutting dressing station, including during the heavy fighting near Mukden. From May of 1905 - intern in the surgical hospital clinic of Military Medical Academy, where he defended his dissertation. In 1912 was enlisted in the Imperial Court as a Doctor and observed/treated every member of the Imperial family, but mainly Alexey. Had a good relationship with Alexey and Imperial family. The son of a doctor, Kolya, was one of the closest childhood friends to Tsesarevich. In 1917 accompanied IF to Tobolsk and then Yekaterinburg. Stayed in the Soviet Russia. From July 1917 - Professor of Perm University. In July 1919 was evacuated to Tomsk, worked as a privat-docent of the Faculty Surgical Clinic. In the summer of 1920 evacuated to Perm. In 1936 was repressed.