IF toke 150.000---6000.000 pics. But just Private Photo albums of each member of IF.
For example, Alix's album for years 1895-1911
Olga's one for 1915-1916(I would love to see these, there are many taken near Dnieper River)
Tatiana's for 1914, etc.
But, what about the Ceremonies photos(not tkaen by IF)-----Borodino, 300th Anniversary,Gibbes', Gilliard's collectons, Different Counts,....there are many more. No speaking about archives in Tsarskoe, Mogilev, Smolensk, Germany, etc, etc....Many, many photos, we have seen only 4000-----IMO!
But, don't forget some were destroyed. I am wondering did Marvin public all the 35.000 images in his book?