It was pretty good, not as exciting as I'd hoped, they didn't mention everything I had hoped, but they certainly saved the best for last! When they came in with those charts proving that the boy was the son of N and A, and the girl was the daughter of N and A, and the two bodies were brother and sister, and this was so strong that it would be against a million to one odds, I really, finally felt like we had closure to the case. It felt as good as it could under the sad circumstances.Of course no one will ever stop the conspiracy theorists, they'll come up with something. It was also interesting how the show addressed the conspiracies and talked about them, this made it even better when they were all refuted at the end. Oh and it also mentioned AA and said she turned out to be "a factory worker from Poland."
It looks like instead of the mtDNA Hessian/Victorian line profile (or maybe in addition to it) they tested the nuclear DNA of each child against that of the parents from the other grave. The matches were remarkable. The scientist said, "this is their son!" and "they were brother and sister." The results are very convincing, and they showed the whole process and scientific methods used and how he carried them to the US in a contamination free box. The last thing they said was that it didn't matter which girl it was, they are all accounted for. Then it said, Anastasia died that night, along with her parents, little brother, and older sisters.
For conspiracy theorists, the well is really running dry. What are the chances that the bone fragments are rigged, AND the AA DNA intestine sample was rigged AND the hair sample was rigged, isn't that becoming more and more of a stretch than it already was? sorry but it has become insane to believe all that especially when there is no proof whatsoever. No matter how desperate some people may be to hold onto claimants, it's over.