Helen, I am also a librarian, and an academic librarian at that. I am also well-versed in copyright matters, due to being a librarian and a writer.
You are permitted, according to fair use, to make a single copy for yourself - whether it be a tv program or a magazine article.
This is one of the best sources for copyright here in the USA
http://fairuse.stanford.edu/index.htmland the LOC's site
http://www.copyright.gov/As a librarian, you certainly should be aware that copyright is not about money. It is about the protection of intellectual property rights. As a librarian, you are probably aware of the Copyright Clearance Center
http://www.copyright.com/As a librarian, you are probably aware of the limitations in making photocopies. It is customary for professors to leave a single copy of an article for students to read. The professor cannot make multiple copies for the students - -- you would have realized this in library school when your profs left reading material in the library. Each student can make a copy of the article, but no student can make more than one copy.
It is not up to you to decide what is fair use or educational ... even educational institutions are required to obtain copyright clearances.
Making copies of tv programs and giving them to other people violates copyright law .. why. It's not your material to give. You can make a copy for yourself ... but not for anyone else.
You can mince your words with Tsarfan, but your words do not hold water with me, Helen. Are you sure you are a librarian with a master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school? I am a librarian ... and I know a heck of a lot about copyright ... and what is right and what is wrong. Your excuses for fair use and "educational purposes" would not win in a court battle.
Has anyone told you that you are very annoying, Tsarfan? Sort of like that kid in grade school who has to make sure everyone is doing "the right thing" otherwise tells the teacher... I bet that was you, wasn't it? 
I am not violating copyright laws if I record material off television for educational purposes and not for profit. Which is exactly what I am doing here. I do appreciate your concern about my ethics, but you can stop worrying about me now - I am not breaking any laws, and neither is FA by allowing it. Especially since I am a librarian, therefore an educator and the institution is Alexander Palace site, which is an educational site. I have several friends who are educators, who do this all the time... I don't think they are breaking any copyright laws either, so please be calm about that. But thank you for your concern. Really.