Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

leader of the pack

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Michael HR:
The more I learn of Tatiana the more I like her. She was the best looking in my view but her character is what endears me to her more than anything else. Such a sweet caring person.


--- Quote from: Michael HR on July 25, 2008, 10:42:40 AM ---The more I learn of Tatiana the more I like her. She was the best looking in my view but her character is what endears me to her more than anything else. Such a sweet caring person.

--- End quote ---

i have to agree with you Michael, when i first found out about the romanovs (4or 5 years ago) i was drawn to maria and then olga but now i find tatiana very interesting. you are right about her being caring in one of her letters she write to her mother ( when she was young) she says - ' i kiss you and papa 100000000 times but i can't count it myself'.  :) very cute!

Tom, First Maria,then Olga, then Tatiana....I guess Anastasia is next?  :D

lol of course ;)

Michael HR:
There were plenty of Romonov females out there. Tom has a way to go yet


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