Author Topic: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich  (Read 24597 times)

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Offline ChristineM

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Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:00:21 PM »
It is with great sadness I have to announce the sudden and unexpected death today of Dr Ivan Petrovich Sautov.   Dr Sautov was Director of Tsarskoe Selo Museums and as such overseen much of the restoration of the palace complex which has continued throughout the last 30 years.

Dr Sautov, aged 60, died this morning.   He is survived by his wife, Olga, their daughter Anastasia (10 years old on 25th of July) and by Ilya and Katia, children from a previous marriage.

Dr Sautov died while on a visit to Finland.   It is thought the funeral will take place on Thursday or Friday of next week.   Arrangements are not yet in place.

The staff at Tsarskoe Selo Museums are in total shock.   He was a truly remarkable man who will be deeply missed by those who knew and loved him.

Christine Martin

Rest Eternal grant him O Lord,
May perpetual light shine upon him...
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
Rest in peace and rise in GLORY


Offline Michael HR

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Re: Dear of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 12:01:51 PM »
Is there any way the condolences of the members can be passed to his family?

What a great shame when the Palace is just about to be restored.
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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 12:48:13 PM »
Christine,  my condolences to you.  I believe he was a close friend of yours.


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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 01:15:00 PM »
OMG, this is such a shame! I very briefly met Ivan Petrovich when I was in Pushkin. I am more familiar with him through a wonderful documentary series about TS, which he produced and hosted, "Poyedem V Tsarskoe Selo (Let's go to Tsarskoe Selo). He has done a lot for the museum. This is so shocking. Thank you for letting us know, Christine!

Offline BobAtchison

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 01:49:32 PM »
Ivan Petrovich led the Tsarskoe Selo Museums through many long and difficult years.  The city and the palaces will bear the imprint of his personality and the effect of his admistration for many years to come.

I have many good memories of him from the years when we were friends and were working together for a common purpose.  He fought for the Alexander Palace and for that we can all be eternally grateful.

Sautov was an amateur actor and appeared in most of the movies that were filmed in Tsarskoe Selo.  I remember him as Peter the Great and I thought at the time he was very much like that Tsar, certainly he had the physical bearing.  For me he was sort of a cross between Peter I, Nicholas I and Empress Elizabeth, passion, power and excess, a real Russian, if you like.  To be his friend was a great thing - endless blessings would shower upon you, if you were on his bad side you would experience the opposite - a true Siberian Gulag.

There are many stories about Ivan Petrovich incredible, Paul Bunyon-like stories that grew bigger and bigger in their retelling.  He was capable of great imagination and he could party like Potemkin.  Everyone who knew him has stories to tell.  Now he is gone and I will remember him for the good he did.

He will not easily be forgotten by anyone who knew him.


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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 01:55:27 PM »
Sautov was an amateur actor and appeared in most of the movies that were filmed in Tsarskoe Selo. 

In fact, I just remembered: he was in "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya Sem'ya". He played one of the generals, I believe.

This is a great loss for the TS Museum and for the city of Pushkin, and for all those interested in the fate of the Alexander Palace...

Offline ChristineM

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 02:49:56 PM »
Thank you Bob for your very moving tribute to a very remarkable man.   Every observation rings with truth.   Thanks also Robert for your thoughtful condolences.

Indeed Ivan Petrovich appeared in Oleg Panfilov's film about the final days of the Romanovs.   In fact, it was through his collaboration with this highly-respected film producer and director, that, finally, a chink appeared in the Russian Navy's armour, and after over half a century, the public was allowed within the doors of the Alexander Palace once more.   The quid pro quo was that Nicholas' New Study be reconstructed (please note NOT restored) for use in the film.

Ivan Petrovich was, first and foremost an architect.   He wrote his dissertion on none other than Giacomo Quarenghi.   His love affair with the Alexander Palace began when he was barely out of his teens.   

Ivan Petrovich was much too big a character to be caught between the lines and angles of his profession.   He was a rounded, utterly outgoing man with a joie de vivre such as I have never met in any other human being.   A man of great vision.   It was he who saw the possibility of restoring the Amber Room and it was thanks to his personality and persuasive powers that Tsarskoe Selo Museums received significant financial grants from Ruhr Gas.   Indeed, during the Soviet period, Ivan Petrovich began a relationship with a small house museum in Germany - Schloss Britz.   As well as mounting his first, small, overseas exhibitions there, he continued the link for the rest of his life.   Each year in the week before Christmas, accompanied by some members of Tsarskoe Selo Museums staff, Ivan Petrovich drove from Pushkin to Berlin.   Why???   To make blinis, of course. 

These German visits afforded Ivan Petrovich introductions which eventually led to the seeds of the new Amber Room already being sown.   I remember him telling me, some time prior to the German investment and after ten years of work on the Amber Room using gifts of amber and primitive equipment, that it would take at least another 12... even twenty years until this, one of the most famous rooms in the world, (some even refer to the Amber Room as the 8th Wonder of the Modern World) would be completed.   'Then', he said, 'It will be my luck, just as we are about to open this exquisite new jewel box, the original Amber Rooms will be discovered'.   Well, he was proved wrong in this case and, thanks only to him, the Amber Room is in situ once more.   While still on the topic, since its completion and the end of the German funding, Ivan Petrovich has strived to keep the team of amber masters and mosaic masters together.   He knew their skills were priceless, but that individually they could not make a living out of these skills.   The Amber Workshop is now open to the public, at extra cost, and the produce in its multitude of magnificent forms is sold around the world.   The creative brilliance of these jewellers has, for now, been saved.

I would very much like to write a tribute to our dear friend, but I am sorry, at the moment, this is impossible.

One thing I know for certain - if Vanya could read Bob's tribute, he would be absolutely delighted.




Offline BobAtchison

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2008, 04:54:18 PM »
Many of you may not have known that Christine and David Martin were Ivan Petrovich's best friends abroad and were close to his family.

Thank you, Christine for bringing this news to us and please accept our condulances for your loss.  Would you please let Madame Sautova know that the members of the forum send their thoughts and prayers (along with yours).


Offline ChristineM

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2008, 05:05:50 PM »
Thanks Bob.

I have already been in touch with Olga.   She was at their dacha awaiting Ivan Petrovich's arrival from Finland today.   Its so sad.   Poor Anastasia, she adored her Daddy and her Daddy absolutely adored her.   I cannot imagine their pain tonight.

I believe the funeral will take place on either Thursday or Friday.   This has not yet been confirmed.


Offline EmmyLee

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2008, 05:09:48 PM »
Thank you, Christine and Bob for sharing what this great man has done for the Alexander Palace. It sounds as though he was extremely dedicated to it, and I definitely appreciate his efforts and accomplishments. My condolences go to his family as well as his friends.

Offline Joanna

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2008, 06:37:59 PM »
My deepest sympathy to Dr. Sautov's family and to all of his museum family. A man of incredible energy whose legacy will endure for generations. I believe Larisa is still in the U.S. and with others in devastating shock.



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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2008, 06:45:50 PM »
Thank you for informing us of the loss of Ivan Petrovich Sautov. How wise was the Queen when she said "Grief is the price we pay for love."
That must ring true for many sad hearts today literally all over the world.

If there is any way to send flowers (or light candles at the Feodorovsky Sobor in Ivan Petrovich's memory) please let us know. It is hard to grasp such a "larger than life" person being gone from this earth.

With deepest sympathy to his family and those whose lives he touched.
With love to you and David as well as you cope with the loss of a dear friend.


Offline Tatyana

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2008, 08:27:40 PM »
For those of us who knew and appreciated Ivan Petrovich only through the visible results of his work, when possible, it would be nice to see a photo of him.

Also when possible, if anyone knows of a reliable way to make even small financial contributions to the continuation of his work, that information would be nice too.


Offline Vladimir_V.

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2008, 12:52:30 AM »

Offline ChristineM

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Re: Death of SAUTOV - Ivan Petrovich
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2008, 03:42:46 AM »
Thank you Vladimir for this exceptional photograph.   We have dozens of photographs, but these are family snapshots and not appropriate.   

This is a very dignified and true likeness.   He had such wonderfully blue eyes.

I am so glad to have this photograph, but it is heartbreaking to see.

Thanks again Vladimir.
