The marble columns are real. They came from Austria and cost a fortune to move from there via the Baltic and St. Petersburg Harbor. I have 60 pages of receipts for the work and everything bought for the entire remodeling project. These columns went way over budget once they arrived 4,000 rubles had to be spent over budget to modify them and install them. I have spent a lot of times up close with these columns, they are wonderful to feel. Everybody thinks they are plaster until you touch them. They are very cold to the touch. They are original and in excellent shape. Some if the bronze fittings are still in place around the bases. I have close-up pictures. Nicholas kept all his photo albums on the ledge up here, neatly lines up and stacked, all in order. Metzler used a lot of Tiffany - yes real Tiffany - in Nicholas's and Alexandra's two formal rooms. These were two incredible spaces. Now that new management will be coming in we won't have to worry about Nicholas's New Study being ripped out. That was one of Sautov's objectives in his proposal for the palace to be restored to the time of Nicholas I, hopefully now that he is gone the danger is gone as well.