Sorry to bump an old thread, but I have a story to tell about this book.
First of all, I could never in a million years pay £50 for a book, it's just an impossibility, so as you can imagine, I was delighted when I saw a copy come up cheaply on e-bay, I put a maxmum bid of around £12, and I was the high bidder - untill about 30 seconds before it finished, I was outbid and I was too slow to bid again, and it finished at 50p more than my high bid. I really HATED the person who won that book then, only for a minute but I was so ANGRY!
But anyway, I was very happy today, I found that my local libary had a copy, and I must say it's by far the most beautiful book I've ever seen! So many gorgeous photos, as you can imagine I'm probably going to be taking out that book every month now!
Maybe one day I'll earn enough to buy it.