Author Topic: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"  (Read 63469 times)

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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2008, 04:05:57 PM »
Also, try to remember that N&A probably went into production in 1969 or so,   the original locations were not available.  And, it was a condensed version of the Massie book.  That work focused on Alexei's illness, as that is what got Massie  interested in  the first place; his son has hemophilia,. And, it is impossible to condense a  500+ page book into a 2hr+ film.
 Also, the girls in the films are actors,  portraying the  real persons.  The are not meant to BE the  original persons, the "look" is enough, if they can do the job, costume, makeup and hair can convey the effect desired.
 I agree with Greg King. Romanovsky is sappy and worshipful.  Good, but sentimental.
 N&A was a different work altogether.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 01:24:22 PM by Alixz »


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2008, 10:09:13 PM »
Hmmm....I only the girls in 'Nicholas and Alexandra'didn't look like the girls at all, which was a bit annoying...

Not only looks like the real OTMA, they did not say much and and there is no character development as in Romanovy.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2008, 03:00:13 AM »
Hmmm....I only the girls in 'Nicholas and Alexandra'didn't look like the girls at all, which was a bit annoying...

Not only looks like the real OTMA, they did not say much and and there is no character development as in Romanovy.

i agree we only see glimpses of them


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2008, 06:42:59 PM »
Also, try to remember that N&A probably went into production in 1969 or so,   the original locations were not available.  And, it was a condensed version of the Massie book.  That work focused on Alexei's illness, as that is what got Massie  interested in  the first place; his son has hemophilia,. And, it is impossible to condense a  500+ page book into a 2hr+ film.

That's true.40 years ago, all the letters, pictures, and documents about the murder of the Imperial Family were locked in the Soviet Archives.8 years ago, they weren't.So, one of the reasons Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya Semya is a little more accurate is because there was more documentation available to make an accurate portrayal.Newer movies about history are usually more accurate than older ones for that reason, especially those that take place in ancient times.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2008, 07:41:55 AM »
Newer movies about history are usually more accurate than older ones for that reason, especially those that take place in ancient times.

i agree with you robors but sometime i like watching old movies to see how naive they were - for example i was watching an old movie about Titanic ( not a night to remember) form the fifties and it was funny to watch how they portrayed first class women running around the deck in eveing gowns refusing to leave their husbands.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2008, 01:34:07 AM »
I liked Romanovy compared to N&A.  The sets were beautifully recreated, the girls looked and acted like real sisters, I loved the boy playing Alexei and at least he didn't chant "Alexei, Alexei, must not run, must not play."  That got annoying in N&A. The Nicky and Alix in Romanovy were beautifully protrayed where as in N&A it was to hollywood.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2008, 02:17:15 AM »
Annoying? He only said it once.  And why are people so focused on those GDs?  They were given far more character development in N&A the  Romanovsky. After all, they were just secondary players in the drama.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2008, 03:45:21 AM »
  And why are people so focused on those GDs?  They were given far more character development in N&A the  Romanovsky. After all, they were just secondary players in the drama.

i agree Robert, after all the film is called Nicholas & Alexandra so its bound to be more focused on them rather than OTMA. however Romanovy is about the IFso it's going to include much more of OTMA


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2008, 08:11:04 AM »
My favorite word when I deal with  history....CONTEXT.  Please remember that Nicholas and Alexandra was written in the middle 1960's and the film was made in the 1970-1971. The information we now have on the young Grandduchess's was not available when Massie penned his book. Therefore, the lack of character development.

Romany:Ventsenosnaya semya was made in the early 2000's. (correct me if I'm wrong on the date) Hence, more character development on the daughters.

Robert, is absolutely correct in stating that the daughters were only secondary characters in the saga of Nicholas and Alexandra. It is only now with the opening of GARF, etc., that people are beginning to focus on the girls. Hopefully, in the future, more there will be more emphasis on the girls.



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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2008, 09:30:40 AM »
Is there enough to emphasis on them  halen?  They were  just young girls/ladies who had no social interaction with others, insulated, dreamy and  rather dull.   They  were too young and isolated to even know, for the most part, what was going on around them. If it were not for their tragic and dramatic deaths, they would have disappeared into the pages of history books  I can see why some  girls  treat them a "Barbie" dolls, but, honestly, what  more is there to say about them? A legitimate writer would be hard pressed to come up with enough to give them much more than they already have, even with the opening  up of GARF. Their diaries are hardly  the merit of Anne Frank, are they?

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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2008, 10:15:10 AM »
They had not moved out of the family and very few knew them. No good works apart form the hospitals in WW1. Had they lived longer they might have done a lot of good work within Russia worthy of written note but we shall never know.
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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2008, 11:16:43 AM »
No, Michael,  sadly, we shall never know. And, the Romanovs are a "niche market" topic, which is why some of the movies about them are hard to come by.  N&A is a big studio release, so  came out on  video and dvd as part of a package  of dozens of films.


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2009, 03:45:22 PM »
I didn't noticed this topic before...I like both, but if I have to choose one, I prefer "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" my opinion the historical recostruction is much more precise and detailed than "Nicholas and Alexandra."


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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2009, 02:31:00 AM »
I think N&A is a very fine movie. It was a great effort to cram the whole saga into a film that would be watchable to a wide audience and by and large , I think it succeeded. It worked on me all those years ago!!!!

I disagree about the GDsin N&A. I thought it was easy to tell who was who. When you look at the recreations of the official IF portraits made with the cast you can see that. They were not look-alikes or meant to be, just actresses  playing the roles.

Romanvy is another fine movie from a different angle. Made by Russians in Russia and starring Russians and Lynda Bellingham. It too has it's share of inaccuracies but i don't think these matter. As the IF approach their tragic fate, you just know you will shocked again and again by the ending.

Maybe it is a little too worshipful but i think it's the closest we will get filmwise to the Romanovs.

Anastasia Spalko

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Re: "Romanovy:Ventsenosnaya semya" vs "Nicholas and Alexandra"
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 05:47:00 PM »
I never did get to watch Romanovy (a little help, please people?)