I have tried to make this point before, Marquis. To no avail here !! I do believe, just as you said, that the possesions of the imperial/royal families came about because the people they ruled provided them- by their work. So, the "people" are taking back what they had given in the first place !
Undoubtedly their were thieves amongst the revolutionaries as well, looting is what the word might be. However, taking such proerty for the benefit of the people who provided them is justifeid, in my "revolutionary" opinion.
In the case of the dynasties, they were indeed the "State" so when they lost that mandate, they also lost all claim to the wealth the state had provided them.
Perhaps, in a non-violent dispossesion, the Civil List solution of Britain might have worked elsewhere as well. Perhaps not.
I do know something about the eastern Euro monarchies. In former Yugoslavia, there is a family fight going on between themselves over property returned to the. In Bulgaria, an amicable settlement seems to have come to pass- The property that Ferdinand of Coburg aquired with his funds from his own family have been returned, and some quite gladly given back !! {those places are a fortune to keep up, and do not generate enough revenue to justify keeping them}.
I think much the same is going on in Romania, Art would know more about that.
I do not see any Romanov stampede to collect former property. It would be an expensive and ultimately lost cause anyway.
The Germans and French also have come to terms, I think. In Germanys case, so much more is involved, what with half the stuff being returned was in East Germany. In France, there are 2 noble systems- Bourbon and Bonaparte who seem to have come to a mutual settlement, often with conflicting claims.
In any case, it will all end up in the multi-nationals anyway, and we cannot turn back time. So, let it be.