OMG this song / music video (from a Soviet children's? movie) makes me cry like a baby - and from the comments it seems it has the same effect on many Russians: A train journey through the Russian land, with all the passengers just waiting melancholically for the Soviet Union to end. Soviet childhood, life, death, Russia - everything so tragically beautifully blended together in a way that evokes OTMA's last journey.
YouTube: На дальней станции сойду = I'll get off at the far station(The whole clip from the film, including a touching encounter between the boy and a forester:
YouTube: Из фильма "По секрету - всему свету"My attempt at translating the lyrics:
На дальней станции сойду,- = I'll get off at the far station;
Трава–по пояс! = The grass waist-deep!
И хорошо, с былым наедине, = And well, alone with the past,
Бродить в полях, = roam the fields,
Ничем, ничем не беспокоясь, = Nothing, not worrying about anything,
По васильковой, синей тишине. = through the cornflowers, blue silence.
На дальней станции сойду,- = I'll get off at the far station;
Запахнет мёдом! = It smells of honey!
Живой воды попью у журавля! = I'll drink the water of life next to a crane!
Тут всё–моё, = Everything is mine,
И мы, и мы отсюда родом – = And we, and we come from here -
И васильки, и я, и тополя. = And cornflowers, and I, and poplars.
На дальней станции сойду,- = I'll get off at the far station,
Необходимой! = From necessity!
С высокой ветки в детство загляну. = I'll look at my childhood from a high branch.
Ты мне опять позволь, = Let me go again,
Позволь, мой край родимый, = Let me, you land of my birth,
Быть посвящённым в эту тишину! = be initiated into this silence!
На дальней станции сойду,- = I'll get off at the far station;
Трава–по пояс! = The grass waist-high!
Зайду в траву,как в море–босиком! = I'll go into the grass, like into the sea - barefoot!
И без меня обратный = And without my turning
Скорый, скорый поезд = Fast, fast train
Растает где-то в шуме городском. = It will blend somewhere into the noise of the city.