I was given this book for my birthday and am enjoying it quite a lot!
The full name is "A Season of Splendor - The Court of Mrs. Astor in the Gilded Age" by Greg King...
ISBN - 978-0-470-18560-8.
I am just at page 86 now and have had the best laugh of a long time:-
Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish (Mamie Fish) was known for her caustic 'putdowns' and one of her rivals was Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt (Alva Vanderbilt).
Upon hearing that Mamie had said she (Alva) looked like a 'frog', Alva confronted Mamie and declared angrily, "You said I looked like a frog!"...
"No, no, not a frog!" Mamie shot back; "A toad, my pet, a toad!'....
A good laugh for the day and I thank Greg - and Mamie for it!!