Author Topic: I came across this website but I'm wondering who on this forum colored what pics  (Read 75804 times)

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I came across this Romanov website and the creator claims they own the original photos that is shown on the website because as they say "I am Russian and am directly relatied to the Romanovs." Obviously this person took pics from Alexander Palace Time Machine and from the forums. Claiming the so called originals belongs to their family.

Especially as the colored pics is colored by our members.

Can anyone tell me who colored what and if so to tell this person to give them credit for using their colored pics on the website?

Offline Ally Kumari

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Most of those coloured pics were made by Holly. There are also pics by Justine, but I don´t know any more....
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 11:17:16 AM by Grand Duchess Ally »


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Thanks Ally.



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i too noticed the one by justine - its of Tatiana and it has a big watermark across it saying justine lol

some people........

Offline Justine

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God! They drive me crazy! On the page about Tatiana all pictures were made by me(except for the last one) and her story was copied from my site about Tatiana!
And I have two question to people who are stealing someone's work:
1. is this so hard to ask for permission first? I would probably agree and I am sure others would agree too if one would ask them for permission to use their pictures or other work.
2. is this also too hard to credit someone? really too difficult to write that this, this and that was done by...[name]?
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Offline Ally Kumari

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Yes, it´s really annoying!

If they cannot create anything of their own, they can always "borrow" things. But you know, internet is a huge place and what chance do you have to find you stolen things?

Offline Justine

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as we can see there's always a chance.
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Offline Ally Kumari

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Yes, but a very little one:(

Offline Sarushka

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I've also wondered the same thing about the colored photos on this page:

All three of them look familiar to me....


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One of mine is on there, i marked it, with "Mandie" in the conner, it gone now. People are so rude! I also left her a message.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 04:42:58 PM by Mandie, the Gothic Empress »


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Hey guys well I found the webcreator on Facebook who was bragging about being related to the IF.  So I actually put them stright and since I openly "exposed" them they haven't came back on the group.

When I do youtube videos I give credit to all people on this forum.  Or where ever I got the source from.
However it makes me upset if someone takes peoples work without giving them credit.

I also go out of my way to ask for permission on peoples work if it is from Deviant Art.

It makes my toes curl.

Offline clockworkgirl21

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I believe the one of AOTMAA standing on a balcony in the winter was colored by me, but that's one of my older ones, and I'd actually prefer if it wasn't associated with me!   :-\ lol

Offline Holly

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Ah, God. Are you kidding me?!

I see a ton of mine on there. Most of the ones on the first page are mine. Good Lord. I can see she also stole the first part of my bio on Anastasia from my website for HER Anastasia page.

Ughhhh!! That makes me mad. And it takes a lot to tick me off.  >:(
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Offline Carolath Habsburg

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Arrgh! art thefs..i hate them!.¬¬

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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Well I sent them an email on Facebook telling Madison Cook that she has been exposed for taking all those pictures and taking words from others pages.

They haven't as yet replied but found her quote on the fangroup page amusing so I share it with you.

"I added some new pictures/photos of the Romanov's. They are all one's that we have of originals. Yes some you can find online because we gave them to news places when they found the remains, but they still mean the world to our family."  (When I was looking at the pics there were two with the water mark "Alexander Palace Time Machine",  I also laughed at her caption of Nicholas with Charles the V. LMAO)

This is what she wrote for the website above.
Loyals to the Romanov's |

Check out my website i dedicated to my Russian heritage and Romanov family(ancestors).