Here is what Missy had to say and it sheds light on why Miechen was such a popular hostess:
Aunt Miechen, an exceptionally charming and intelligent lady, was also ambitious and it was not without a certain satisfaction that by force of circumstance she became the social centre of Petersburg. It must be admitted that she was an incomparably amiable hostess and knew to perfection how to receive all manner of men. All through life she had been cherished, adulted, spoiled. She could spend what she would, every luxury, every comfort, every honour, every advantage were hers and she was one of the best-dressed women of her time; her clothes were superlatively smart and she had the great art of knowing exactly what to wear for each occasion; she never made a mistake. An atmosphere of unlimited prosperity emanated from her, she was the undisputed centre of her world, her very aspect invited attention; one of life's most spoilt children, she seemed to expect everyone who approached her to continue the spoiling, which the generally did, and yet it was she who appeared to be dispensing favours. There was great art in this. Her house was certainly a most pleasant one for a short stay, as her hospitality was unlimited, and all hte most important and interesting people came together in her salon. Here she reigned supreme...she was less intelligent than believed, but she had la maniere and this counted more than anything.