Hi, im a new member so just a little about me,
My names Dane Romanov, no relation in fact its my name that got me intrested, im 15, and i plan to become Historian about the Romanov's i know a vast amount of information of which im am proud, i dont have a big head honest lol.

My Fav Romanov is H.I.H The Grand Duchess Tatijana Nicolaievna, i collect photos of the Romanovs and have 100's of loverly photos, BUT, i only have about 3 of Tatijana alone, she was a BEAUTIFUL lady, i was wondering if anyone had any nice photos of her, like official photos not family snaps, i have one of her facing sideways at a table taken to mark the 300 years of rule i have seen one of her facing foreward but it was really bad quality, so PLEASE, has anyone got it???
Please Email me HIHRomanov@aol.com
Thankyou Sooooo Much