Author Topic: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov  (Read 27049 times)

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With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« on: October 23, 2008, 09:36:23 AM »

- With Tsar and Without Tsar, Memories of last Tsar's Court Count -
Vladimir Nikolaevich Voeikov.

With Heir,(for the first credit goes to KeeganYoung):

Publisher: Rodnik, 1994. , 272 pages, in Russian.

The book about Memories of Vladimir Nikolayevich Voyeykov after output it immediately became bibliographical rarity. Being the last palace commandant of Nikolai II, by the General emperor of household troops Voyeykov left to descendants unique evidence about the last days of the reign of the sovereign of emperor Nikolai II. The book of eyewitness and participant in the important historical events describes the life of the highest court; the entrance of Russia into the war of 1914; the gradual approach of society to the overthrow of the abutments of Russian nation- state system; the renunciation of the sovereign of emperor Nikolai II from the throne; begun in the State Duma and continued by Bolsheviks revolution.

These books by Counts as Alexander Grabbe and this one by Count Voekikov are rare. I bought a book last year, and it contains some pics. of NII and family, the first are from conoration in 1896. It describes Count's life before, during and after revolution.(so, his biorgaphy in one hand); Rasputin, Virburova, Court, ministers,Russian State. It begins(book) since Tsar gave to him appelation. His wife, Nina,  was daughter of Count Fredreriks. There are some photos of letters of Empress to Nina. (From Tobolsk)   

He mentioned that in Livadia's palace roof, Maria Nikolaevna could carry OTAA in her arms. I was really schoked! And, he and Heir were very close,(during Aleksei's stay at General Headquartres) and he describes him in very touching way -- and he mentioned filming in AP(I mean watching movies together). He saw Aleksei last time in February of 1917, while he was ill.
Also, Voeikov gave to Aleksei cats, as I mentioned here. He describes all political happens in Russia as he was witness. Book is really interesting. And I commend to everyone who loves Russian   military and events in WW1.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 10:00:15 AM by nena »
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 06:48:31 PM »
 Many thanks, Nena, for finding and describing this book. It does indeed seem to be something of a rarity, not previously mentioned even on this website where "we know it all". And it was published 14 years ago!

Also, I hope you can mention a few more interesting observations by Voeikov. Loved the Maria lifting her siblings anecdote!

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 06:01:33 AM »
You are very welcome!
Here are about Aleksei's cats from 1916:
Voeikov's memories.

The Heir's cat:
Emperor spent all aummer at GHQ, almost without break. Heir was all the time with him. Once, while we were talking about the animals, I said to Aleksei Nicholaievich that I have on my 'farm' same sort of cats, which are intersected sort of    marten and 'home' cats, and very remember to Siyam
( cats) ones. They were so beautiful: color like chocolate, with blue eyes, etc.......Heir asked me for one for bring to him.
I went to my farm for days. When I returned, I saw Aleksei Nicholaievich who awaited for me, with question: " But where is a cat?" I didn't brought it, and Heir was very dissatisfied with me, and criticized me because of this.

Next time, I gave him wicker with a cat. He was dithyrambic. To Sisters (OTMA) a letter was sent, and they wanted some too......

I'll add some more quotes from book later. It's really interesting.

Count Voeikov with Tsar,Tsarevich,OTMA and Joy at GHQ,1916:

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 06:17:22 PM »
Aleksei Nicholaievich in Voeikov's eyes, during stay at GHQ, 1915:

In Rezhitsa (place) on October 2nd., H.I.H (Nicholas II) was reviewing militalry after he became general chief of army. Folowing him, step by step, with very thoughtful aspect, Aleksei Nicholaievich shined by commotion. After they arrived to Mogilev, H.I.H directed, to put Aleksei's bed in Emperor's bedroom; Heir was very    unrepining. Aleksei woke up half hour before father every morning and quite came to woke me up. He came to my room several times,and made some waggeries. After he drunk coffee in restaurant before Emperor, Heir Tsarevich had lesseons. His tutors were P.V. Petrov, P.A. Gilliard and Mr. Gibbes. Since nobody of them though they know arithmetic, they suggested I give lessons to Heir. Aleksei Nikolaevich had breakfast on shared desk, sitting left from Emperor. After afternoon walk with Emperor, to Heir was served lunch at 6.p.m in which he invited me every day. Meantime his lunch and sleeping, he  appeared with highest banqueters (meaning highest ministers,generals, etc...) and was natural. Cause of his wonderous simplicity and his warmth in conducting,Aleksei Nikolaevich impounded with his looks, also with his spiritity. His clearly, openly look, undepraved decision, sweetish keen (meaning like sounds of bell) voice, at everybody, which saw him, promoted deepest sympathies. Servants of Court were very active in Aleksei's waggeries......

And really, I think that is best description of Tsarevich's personality.

Well, we know Aleksei drunk coffee...

Also, book mentions Anastasia spying Counts,(probably Alix ordered she....), because Alix wanted no folowing her by officiers. And Voeikov said that is allright. But, of course, they worried about the Tsarina, and continued to folow her. But, Tsarina took Anastasia to spy officiers, and she catched Voeikov folowing the Empress...Things went bad...But Tsarina forgived it.

Sorry for my translation, if it is inconvertible... :(


« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 06:48:23 PM by nena »
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 06:34:00 PM »
Livadia/ Maria's strenght

.....In the morning, January 2nd, I went to Livadia....
.....When I was sidling to palace, I had impression that I'll in every moment, on roof of restaurant and covered gallery, see Imperial Children which are playing along with their running on zinc roof. They often climbed there across Emperor's window of his cabinet. First Maria Nikolaevna went out, which was weirdly strong, and then, she hoisted sisters and brother. After running, they came back, but in invert hierarchy: M.N. sloped off sisters and brother, then she alone, without any help, slipped down the roof holding by brink.....
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 06:45:59 PM »
Thanks again for the new more elaborate anecdotes. Your translations are not perfect, but good enough , quite comprehensible, and we welcome them(and more?)

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 08:52:36 PM »
Nena, is it possible for you to scan the cover of the book? I would like to add Voeikov's memoirs to the APTM bookfinder, but I can only find rather small images of the cover artwork.

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2008, 04:57:43 AM »
I don't have scanner, but I can scan it somewhere else. But I have only Serbian version of book, not English.  :(

My one is similar to this, because that NII's portrait is on it,only cover is in red:

(click on image)
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 05:02:23 AM »
nena, Do you know if it's possible to find it in English somewhere ? Or if it was even publish in English ?

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2008, 05:11:57 AM »
I really don't know.  :( Only language is Russian (from Ozon). But I discovered last year that book in Serbian, and bought it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 05:14:58 AM by nena »
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2008, 05:19:20 AM »
Thank you very much !

"Time flies by with a horrible quickness" -Maria

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2008, 06:45:54 PM »
--Relationship between IF and me---

Since first day I met the Heir, between us were heartly relationships. As I knew him and his tragic fate; cause of this I had rigor, I can describe him in this way: he was spirited patriot (loved only Russian things), intelligent, thankfull, good, attentive, trusted in his sympathies and feelings. Without any proudness, he though about that he was future Tsar. Despite his illness, he knew pains, and because of this, he was very sensible with everyone who was unhappy and jeopardized, and anytime he was avaible, he did something gratefully for everyone around him. In one word, accroding to everyone who met heir Aleksei Nicholievich, who knew his intellect and character, he was  ideal of a Russian Tsar. In Tsarskoe Selo I spend less time with him, than during trips or visiting Stavka. He was displeased anytime I was away.

You have to admit, he described Aleksei in best way!

Of course, he mentioned aslo OTMA, Empress and Tsar. Only mentioned Empress became coldly to Voeikov in december of 1916. And Gilliard ordered which movies Aleksei can watch with Voeikov.

Aleksei gave to Voeikov nickname, because he was hairless..... ;)

Nina and Voeikov had correspodance with IF at Tobolsk.
Russian newspaper about IF murders:
June 6th, 1918 --- Tsar was killed, Heir is alive.
June 10th 1918 --- Tsar was killed, Heir died.
June 12th, both news were confuted. And on July 6th, news were that Tsar was executed, and later the whole family. Also, they were stories about saving IF from Tobolsk.....

Sorry if my translations aren't good. Hoping you understand.


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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2008, 07:09:33 PM »
Russian newspaper about IF murders:
June 6th, 1918 --- Tsar was killed, Heir is alive.
June 10th 1918 --- Tsar was killed, Heir died.
June 12th, both news were confuted. And on July 6th, news were that Tsar was executed, and later the whole family. Also, they were stories about saving IF from Tobolsk.....

Sorry if my translations aren't good. Hoping you understand.


Soory if I'm incult, but wasn't IF killed between 16-17 July 1918.. So why did the newspapers published that they were killed before it happened ?

"Time flies by with a horrible quickness" -Maria

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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2008, 07:14:27 PM »
We know when IF were killed, but as we can see, they published it earlier, since not many people knew what is happening in Ipatiev House. Right?  ;) Also, about calendars ; July 6th is July 19th, so it's possible.
I hope Sarushka saw book covers I posted here. The third one is the most similar to my cover of book.  ;)
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Re: With Tsar and Without Tsar, Count Vladimir N. Voeikov
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2008, 07:35:50 PM »
Soory if I'm incult, but wasn't IF killed between 16-17 July 1918.. So why did the newspapers published that they were killed before it happened ?

The newspapers were full of rumors about the IF's death and escape during the summer of 1918.

I hope Sarushka saw book covers I posted here. The third one is the most similar to my cover of book.  ;)

Yes, thanks. I posted the image from the link on the Book Finder page because it was largest, but I'll save the others as well.