Author Topic: On That Night, The Inscriptions in Ipatev House: by V. Korn  (Read 1972 times)

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On That Night, The Inscriptions in Ipatev House: by V. Korn
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:30:29 AM »
-- В эту самую ночь... К надписям в Ипатьевском доме --

On that night, the inscriptions in Ipatev house

Publisher: Pechatnii dom
Year: 2006г., hardcover, number of pages: 448.
ISBN: 978-966-389-089-0
Number of copies: 300


According to minds of the author, we still entirely have not realized the consequences of the murder of Imperial family. In the book are given the results of investigating the mysterious inscription from “Baltatsar” by Heine and deciphered by the author mysterious numbers on the window-sill of the room, “which confirms the fulfillment of the savage ritual of regicide”. The book acquaints the reader with the episodes from the history of Russia, invisible connected with all that occurred in House of special purpose.

ALL credited to this site.

I think this book is for everyone who loves mysterious things in Ipatiev Cellar room, famous 'LYSV', Heine's poem, etc. I would enjoy in book, I am sure.

I'd love to add those cellar wall photos, not from book, found somewhere here:

« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 03:17:46 PM by Alixz »
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