No he probably didn't think that it would last, perhaps he really didn't care, but he did the minumum of what he had to do. That is all people wanted. As for the later Stuarts they certainly didn't have that much luck although Mary II, Anne and William were fairly good rulers for Engand more than the tempestous earlier Stuarts. Ironically, James II's Catholic claimant son was the one who lived to be old and had descendents, but they had no luck either as there was no place for them in England, so both they and the later Stuarts who actually reigned in England could be pitied. Both James II's daughters who lived to adulthood struggled to provide heirs, but then he had himself before the birth of his son and Catholic heir. Many of his male and female children by both his two wives died, far more than the average for the age. His daughter Anne went on to have the same problem, more than average loss of children.