Author Topic: First Book you read about the Imperial Family, and your minds after reading?  (Read 21165 times)

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Offline nena

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Well, your fisrt read book about IF was...?

I read first 'The Kitchen boy'- by Robert Alexander.

After reading, cause book affected me, I was very expressed by Fate of IF.  :( . But end is so interesting.
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'The Royal Diaries: Anastasia' by Carolyn Meyer.

I just wanted to find out more about them and see if Anastasia did really survive.

Offline Michael HR

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For me it was Nicholas and Alexandra and from them in in I was hooked. That was the late 60's and now so long ago
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Offline Sarushka

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I'm guessing mine was Tsar: The Lost World of Nicholas and Alexandra, by Peter Kurth. Or possibly Prince Michael's book. Cripe, I'm really not sure -- it might even have been Radzinsky's The Last Tsar.


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Mine was -  The Last Grand Duchess by Ian Vorres.

That book pre dates Nicholas & Alexandra by Massie by about 15 years.

That led me to Once A Grand Duke by Alexander Mikhailovich.

And so on and so on.  As I have said in other threads, I was motivated by a history teacher who told us about the then current (1964) trial in Berlin to prove or disprove the identity of Anna Anderson.  I wanted so badly to believe that Anastasia had survived.

My mind has changed many times after reading more and more.  Of course, though DNA, we now know that no one survived.  However, my impression of the whole Imperial Family has under gone constant revision as more is learned and more information is released from GARF.

I went from the "newbie" love of the fantasy and grandeur of Imperial life to the much more pragmatic view that I hold now.  Nicholas and his extended family were human and had their faults as we all do. 

Offline Ally Kumari

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The first Romanov book I actually bought was SokolovĀ“s report. But the first book I read was Alexandra by Elisabeth Herresch (sp?). I liked it very much, but when I read about the execution (I had no idea) I felt so sick I had to leave the book and only returned to it after some time.


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Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie.

It got me very interested...especially in the children...I wanted to know more.

Offline Sarushka

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Mine was -  The Last Grand Duchess by Ian Vorres.

That book pre dates Nicholas & Alexandra by Massie by about 15 years.

Forgive a bookish nitpicker, but those two books were only three years apart -- The Last Grand Duchess was published in 1964, and Nicholas & Alexandra in 1967.


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Mine was Nicholas and Alexandra, and The Romanovs: The Final Chapter, by Massie.


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For me it was Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie. I found it in my school library and you were not allowed to borrow it so I had to read it between classes. I got completely hocked and very amazed. I think my friends grew kind of tired of me. They had to listen to me quoting the book all the time.

Offline Ally Kumari

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But when I think about it..... The VERY first book I read was a picture book to animated Anastasia by FOX :)


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I think for me it was the Great Duke Alexander Michailovich memories. It shows the situation around Romanovs and the events.


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My first two books about the IF were "Lost Princess" by James Lovell and "The Riddle of Anna Anderson" by Peter Kurth. Both proved to be gateway drugs to Romanovmania and I think most importantly, an awareness of the attraction of the whole IF,not just Anastasia. At first I just sucked up both books a lot more uncritically than I do now, but I have to admit I really liked them both!

Offline Ortino

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The Royal Diaries: Anastasia by Caroline Meyer. I must have read it a dozen times when I was younger. Obviously not the most accurate book, but it was entertaining enough to get me interested in reading about the Romanovs.


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Hello, me first romanov book was "The Romanovs: The Final Chapter", by Massie in german. It was really bizarre. At the cover was a nice pic of a family with little girlies and I have no idea about the context (beside the fox movie "Anastasia") and than came the execution. I was really upset. But Im curious too and so became interessed of the IF.