Happy 114th Birthday ma chère Grande -Duchesse Olga Nikolaevna ! Even when I was too young to understand your story, the pictures of your face, with your merry eyes and sweet smile caught my eye and my heart. Olishka! You haven't let go of them since! There is a special place that is yours , always.
....The more you look at her, the more charming and appealing her face becomes. It is illuminated by a light from within, ..... Her beautiful, gentle hands handle any job with ease and cleverness. She is so fragile and gentle as she bends with particular love and care over every soldier's shirt that she sews. Her musical voice, her graceful movements, her lovely, thin little figure -- it is the essense of femininity and friendliness. She is so bright and joyful. I remember the words of one of her teachers: Olga Nikolaevna has a crystal soul." -
S. Ofrosimova
" Give my love to all who remember me. " Olga Nikolaevna
Her love ripples out even now and forever to all who remember her.