Today I recall that 120 years ago, though hoping for a son, Nicholas was so overjoyed by the birth of Olga. As he should have been.
I'm also thinking of many of the Olga anecdotes appearing in Margaret Eagar's "Six Years at the Russian Court" from when Olga was a little girl. They often involved Olga being willful, and impetuous, or even naughty, and yet somehow being innocent, sensitive and open at the same time.
One classic occurred after a carriage ride during which Miss Eagar had to get Olga to sit quietly after the latter had been misbehaving. Olga soon noted a policeman writing something down . Though Miss Eagar assured Olga that she was neither old enough, nor 'naughty' enough to be stopped by a policeman, young Olga remained behaved. But then, back at the Alexander Palace, she went around asking, in effect, "has a policeman been around here asking for an Olga?" !!!
Further, after telling her parents her story, she asked Nicholas if he had ever been a prisoner. When her father told her he had never been naughty enough to go to prison, Olga exclaimed,"Oh! How very good you must have been too!" I love that reaction of Olga.
Good thoughts today about precious and caring Olga.