I did my homework and ask those who know, not only rabbis but someone who is a secular Jew well versed in these matters. The Talmud never mentions that Jesus was a bastard, nor there are bad references to him. I don't want to hijack this thread at all, but I feel it is necessary to clarify that there are two Talmuds, the first one written in Jerusalem in ca. third century of the CE and the second and most important one, which is in use still today, is the Babylonian Talmud (the oldest copy of which was found in S. Hussein's archives not too long ago). The idea of the Talmud was to interpret Jewish law, that is, the Torah or the five books of Moses (Pentateuch), to a new circumstance facing the Jews, that is, they were no longer in Israel but in the Diaspora, and most of them were in Babylon and what became Baghdad as well as other cities. There were a number of commandments that could no longer take place, such as service in the Holy Temple, so the idea was that without altering the holy text of the Torah, the Jews could still practice their religion and not incur in sin.