James, since according to Alexandra's very own diary in Tobolsk (it's been published, by Yale University Press), Nicholas was reading the Protocols aloud to his entire family every night, I think we have to take seriously the charge that he was anti-Semitic and that he chose, of his own free will, to be anti-Semitic. Frankly, it's not surprising, given his nationality, class, cultural background and upbringing. In fact, it would be more surprising if he had turned out not to be anti-Semitic. If that had been true, he would have been an exceptional human being indeed... and as we all know, Nicholas II was the very reverse of being exceptional. In fact, he was totally ordinary in every way, the essence of the average. Maybe that's why his ultimate fate strikes such a chord with so many of us ordinary, average human beings?
But sorry, I see from your P.S. that you've already revised your opinion. At any rate, it's an interesting subject for discussion.