Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Infatuated with Tatiana
I think I may have found an answer.
When you have someone like OTMA and Alexei whose lives were cut so very short, especially in the kind of cruel violent way their's were, some people have feelings of wanting to somehow reach back across time and give that person or those persons the life they were so cruely denied. Even more when it is either someone you knew personally, or someone like this where we have lots of photos and first hand accounts and we know what that person was really like.
Something in my own background may make me feel even more that way. My father and mother were married for 14 years before I was born. Very early in their marriage they had first a son then a daughter. Each of them lived only about 3 hours. They were both born very premature, and so was I. I was due August 22 but I was born on July 2. We found out later my mother was born with only one kidney and that is probably why she could not carry a baby full term. Medically I survived because of the medical progress that was made in saving premature babies. But spiritually I have always wondered why I lived and my brother and sister did not. I wondered what it would have been like growing up with them and what kind of lives they would have each had. In wondering that, for some reason I have always felt as if I was the eldest. Every year on their birthday I buy each of them a birthday card and write a little note inside it. Over the years I have made a collection of birthday cards to my brother and sister. A few years ago I had a natal horoscope and birthchart done for each of them.
Perhaps I saw in Tatiana a beautiful young woman who was kind, caring, gave unselfishly of herself, even served as a war nurse personally treating wounded soldiers. Maybe in some way I wanted to do for this person Tatiana what I had done for my brother and sister. That's one of the things I like about reincarnation. It says for someone like this whose life was cut so very short that this isn't their only chance, that they have other lifetimes and other chances to live and be happy.
I am also a firm believer in recarnation and would like to talk to you...
I have sent you a PM but I don't think it works...could you send me an email address? :) ;)
I am_Tatianochka, I got your PM and I sent you two PM's in reply. Wasn't sure if the first one worked so I sent the second one. I would be very happy to talk with you. You might first check my profile.
--- Quote from: Multiverse on December 28, 2008, 06:33:01 PM ---Perhaps I saw in Tatiana a beautiful young woman who was kind, caring, gave unselfishly of herself, even served as a war nurse personally treating wounded soldiers. Maybe in some way I wanted to do for this person Tatiana what I had done for my brother and sister.
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You may be seeing just what you like about what you've read of her and what you want to see in her. There are parts of Tatiana's character, things she did or said that you don't know, and will never know about. Tatiana wasn't only a beautiful young woman who could be kind and caring. I'm sure you must be aware that she was essentially just a girl and could also give in to her own impulses at times? (Even those first-hand accounts tend to be very romanticised versions. But then again -- who enjoys speaking ill of the dead? They were trying to speak of them in the best light.) IMHO, you seem to be a person who is very caught up with romantic ideals. I get the feeling you spend a lot of time in your own mind. I don't think you're 'infatuated' with the real Tatiana. You're infatuated with the Tatiana you've created in your mind for reasons only you know.
--- Quote from: Holly on December 29, 2008, 01:03:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Multiverse on December 28, 2008, 06:33:01 PM ---Perhaps I saw in Tatiana a beautiful young woman who was kind, caring, gave unselfishly of herself, even served as a war nurse personally treating wounded soldiers. Maybe in some way I wanted to do for this person Tatiana what I had done for my brother and sister.
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You may be seeing just what you like about what you've read of her and what you want to see in her. There are parts of Tatiana's character, things she did or said that you don't know, and will never know about. Tatiana wasn't only a beautiful young woman who could be kind and caring. I'm sure you must be aware that she was essentially just a girl and could also give in to her own impulses at times? (Even those first-hand accounts tend to be very romanticised versions. But then again -- who enjoys speaking ill of the dead? They were trying to speak of them in the best light.) IMHO, you seem to be a person who is very caught up with romantic ideals. I get the feeling you spend a lot of time in your own mind. I don't think you're 'infatuated' with the real Tatiana. You're infatuated with the Tatiana you've created in your mind for reasons only you know.
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Holly took the words from my mouth....
You or me or somebody else can't know for sure what Tatiana did or said or thought... and as Holly said proabably you are not infatuated with the real Tatiana,but Tatiana which you created..... There is no perfect creature.... And so Tatiana wasn't she got bad sides and good... And for some reason i think you are only seeing her good sides.... Which you must fix... by yourself.... I can't help you it's just my opinion... Only you can help yourself.... I know only one good exercise... ( i don't know will it work for you... )
Look at those two pictures... And ask yourself what you like in her... After you do that go and try to find more about Tatiana's charackter:
Two simple and usual photos... One formal and other with her mother and Olga, Anastasia....
Aloha all!
In my opinion, the whole reason why I have always been so fascinated with the whole IF - especially the Grand Duchesses - is just this fact - that they were very ordinary girls living extrodinary lives -
each one of them from their letters, diaries, photos - show good sides and bad sides - just basically like all of us! And that is what makes them so endearing - they WERE like us in many ways.
Their lifestyle obviously is something that we cannot even imagine - but despite that they seem to be people that by their very "human-ness" - we can relate to and care for in our own ways.
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! (Happy New Year!)
Janet R.
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