Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana & Cleopatra

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I was reading through threads this morning and read something that said Tatiyana tried to get close to the guards, this instantly reminded me of Queen Cleopatra who got the Egyptian Throne Back By seducing Ceaser, to bad Tatiyana had Limited time as im sure it would have worked.


*Olga scratches head in confusion*

Tatiana would have used her sexual powers to seduce the guards and entire Red Army, including the Bolsheviks, and consequently have taken the throne for herself?

I'm afraid I don't understand either, seeking contact with someone is hardly the same as attempting to seduce them and also, there's quite a difference between a guard and an emperor. I don't think one guard could have made a difference. If an escape or new 'coup d'état' were to have worked, she would have needed far more powerful people to help them, and even so it's an unlikely notion. At least in my humble opinion.


I didn't mean they're the same, just reminded me of her, maybe i should shut up next time lol  :-X :-X :-X

I can't think of two women more entirely different than Tatiana and Cleopatra!  The idea of Tatiana, whose mindset was so devout, attempting to seduce the guards in the Ipatiev House is not to be borne.  In 'The Fate of The Romanovs' there is an intelligent exploration of the girls' trelationship with their captors - I can only suggest that as a possible solution to this particular notion.


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