It's amazing--to put it kindly--how focused we can still be re: matters of "who is prettier," or who is [God help us] "a dog," etc.
Attractiveness is very often a subjective matter, and while there's no denying that some of the "aura" around the Imperial Family has to do with the fact that, yes, they were an appealing-looking family . . . well, My God, there is so much more to it, and should be.
No doubt some of the girls were attracted to the guards, and no doubt some of the guards were attracted to the girls. It would be strange if that were not so. But Tatiana was not a Cleopatra by any means--I can imagine the very thought would make Tatiana herself laugh!--though we have read, in FOTR, that she was often asked, by her parents, to serve as an intermediary during their imprisonment. That would be because she was trustworthy, business-like, and--yes--appealing. I do not doubt that her parents believed that her natural dignity would appeal to the better instincts of those in charge. But Tatiana rolled up in a carpet? Or on the prowl for whom she might next seduce? Pul-leeeeze!
As for this continued discussion re: who is and isn't pretty, and blah blah blah . . . well, once it has been established that the girls were indeed winsome, that certain women were definitely soigne, etc. . . . who bloody hell cares?! In an era when even the venerable Miss America Pageant is having to go look for a network, perhaps we should consider moving on when it comes to squabbling about who is the prettiest, who is isn't, and other similar matters involving style vs. substance.
The exception to this, of course, would be the threads re: the fashions, jewelry, makeup, etc. of the period. We have a number of people on this website who have careers based on such matters, and understandably have an interest in the cut of a dress, the look of a tiarra, and so forth. Their contributions are both informed and informative, and have not, to my knowledge, stooped to adolescent name-calling.