Author Topic: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC  (Read 213182 times)

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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2005, 07:48:56 AM »
 Well once the gunmen came into the room they must've all been terrified and not knowing what to expect. When their parents and brother were shot OTMA must have been really afraid.

I mean how would you guys feel if you were about to be executed? =/


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2005, 06:56:05 AM »
Leanora wrote about "the angel is coming". How many times have I read this error! I hope someone had corrected it in other forums. The angel is coming is a sentence of one of the church services of the Great Lent. IN original, it is not "angel" but an other word for the young man before the weeding (sorry, I do not know this word in english, hope some orthodox believer will tell me. In russian "sei jenikh griadet v polunoshchi"). Alexandra Feodorovna wrote Ania about her feelings in great lent, and she quote this phrase. She wanted to say she expected the feat of Easter, the coming of Christ.

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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2005, 02:28:29 PM »
That's right Matushka - it is not 'angel', but 'bridegroom'
"Behold the bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night" The bridegroom is Christ. The hymn is about how we don't know when we will be called, and our need for vigilence (re the parable of the ten virgins).


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2005, 03:47:04 PM »
If it is any comfort to anyone out there, it is quite possible that even violent death is not as immediately and horribly experienced as we might think. Has anyone here read Charles Pellegrino's book, Ghosts of Vesuvius: A New Look at the Last Days of Pompeii, How Towers Fall, and Other Strange Connections? Here the author discusses his own near-death experiences and says that in moments of acute,  life-threatening danger a kind of mental distancing or dissociation occurs - you see what is happening to you, and react to it, but it is as if at the same time it is happening to someone else and you are above or outside of it. Simultaneously, he says, there is an expansion of time and every moment seems to last forever. When he was near death himself (at one point from a bomb blast) he remembers thinking, "Well, it's not so bad after all."  This is not to take away from the terrible suffering of murder victims but to give some comfort to those who survive them - the terror is apparently experienced at one remove for many. This dissociation might also explain why so many survivors of acute trauma cannot actually remember the trauma itself in the immediate aftermath of it, and then sometimes only in bits and pieces long afterwards.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Elisabeth »


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2005, 03:52:30 PM »
If it is any comfort to anyone out there, it is quite possible that even violent death is not as immediately and horribly experienced as we might think. Has anyone here read Charles Pellegrino's book, Ghosts of Vesuvius: A New Look at the Last Days of Pompeii, How Towers Fall, and Other Strange Connections? Here the author discusses his own near-death experiences and says that in moments of acute,  life-threatening danger a kind of mental distancing or dissociation occurs - you see what is happening to you, and react to it, but it is as if at the same time it is happening to someone else and you are above or outside of it. Simultaneously, he says, there is an expansion of time and every moment seems to last forever. When he was near death himself (at one point from a bomb blast) he remembers thinking, "Well, it's not so bad after all."  This is not to take away from the terrible suffering of murder victims but to give some comfort to those who survive them - the terror is apparently experienced at one remove for many. This dissociation might also explain why so many survivors of acute trauma cannot actually remember the trauma itself in the immediate aftermath of it, and then sometimes only in bits and pieces long afterwards.

This is fascinating!!  I have experienced such a thing in a car accident, but it is certainly comforting to know that perhaps that distancing effect may have made their end easier.


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2005, 04:05:30 PM »
Yes. Definitley comforting. Although to think of the murder still makes me feel ill....especially reading that one chapter of Fate of the Romanovs!


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2005, 07:05:22 PM »
I have yet to get The Fate Of the Romanovs, and i hope to get it for my b-day, but what was different in the "chapter" as Abby says above that is paritculalry different than all the others?  ???


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2005, 07:06:50 PM »
Oh, sorry..i found out!  :o
I heard it is the most grisly account of the murders so far kind of..


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2005, 07:09:01 PM »
Oh, sorry..i found out!  :o
I heard it is the most grisly account of the murders so far kind of..

Grisly might not be the right word--accurate and brutal might work best.  Greg and Penny went from the witnesses testimony and pieced together the murder scene...


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2005, 07:15:17 PM »
Oh, this is making me want to get that book even more!
it's too expensive for my$5 allowance though.  :'(

They are releasing a paperback version in november 05 i saw on amazon...


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2005, 07:20:33 PM »
You might want to check if the community library in your town can get it, so you can read it sooner.  If they don't have it themselves, they might be able to inter-library loan it.

I just got my copy for Christmas.  I have only read 2 chapters so far but it is a riveting read.  It really makes you see what happened to them.  


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2005, 07:23:03 PM »
Unfortunalty, bu library only has Nicholas & Alexandra, and the novel "The Romanov Connection". Noone had checked it out in so long, the people thought it was stolen! lol...

sniffle, people just don't care about the Romanovs here... :(


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2005, 07:28:48 PM »
That's too bad.  Our local library has very few books to choose from.  I buy a lot of used books on  You might want to look at their used books as well as the new.  I just got a used copy of "Anastasia: THe Riddle of Anna Anderson" by Peter Kurth for 1.99, plus $3 shipping.


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2005, 07:30:51 PM »
lol, my entire collection is practically from amazon!  :o ;)
However, The Fate of the Romanovs is still "up there"(if you know what i mean$$) a little bit...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by moonlight_tsarina »


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Re: Execution details: who died how, in what order, etc. GRAPHIC
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2005, 07:32:40 PM »
What suprises me is in all the accounts of the Romanov's death i have never heard of nicholas doing anything about Alix, what i mean is no "My Love!" or, "I love you!".
I just thought about it, and it made me sad.  :-/ :'(