Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Tatiana through the years.
I have wondered what Tatiana would have looked like through the years had she lived a normal lifespan. I would love to know what Tatiana would have looked like in her mid to late 20's, in her 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, past 80 years of age, perhaps at 90 years of age. We see The Imperial Family as they were at the time of their death in 1918 when Tatiana was only 21. But had Tatiana lived a normal lifespan and beyond to become a very elderly lady, just what would she have looked like through the years?
Olga Maria:
It's difficult to imagine what she would look like. I don't now if there's any way that we could make pictures age ( age:that is we would make the person look so old).
Well here is a treat.
This is Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. The youngest sister of Nicky.
In her prime.
Later years before she died. She died at the age of 78 at an upstairs flat above a beauty shop in Canada.
Olga A did look somewhat like Tatiana- Tatiana's looks favored her father's side more than her mothers', but Tatiana was far more beautiful. I think Tatiana would have made a great flapper- she had that look. I think looking at Irina A, Tatiana's cousin and how she looked during the 1920s gives an idea of how Tatiana would have looked then.
Could someone please post some age progressed pictures of Tatiana showing her at various ages had she lived?
In the Claiments section there is a thread on age progressed photos, but none shows Tatiana.
It would be interesting if someone could post some age progressed photos of each of The Imperial Family showing what they would have looked like over the years had they lived.
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